Dec 23, 2010 16:17
The report was generated for 6 months starting from December 2010 with the following birth data: female, born on 10 October 1987 at 9:50 am in Portland, Oregon.
Your sun sign is Libra. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart. Your Ascendant is in Scorpio, and your Moon is in Gemini.
Pluto conjunction Neptune: Inward transformation
Beginning of February 2010 until beginning of December 2011: This influence signifies a period of very deep inward transformation that will be reflected in changed ideals, goals and many other aspects of your world view. You may also work harder than ever to bring about in reality an ideal that you have held for years. However, you will have to give up a great deal to accomplish this, and you will not receive much ego-reinforcement at the time, even if you are successful.
You will find it necessary to question very deeply many beliefs you have held as a matter of course all your life. You may become disoriented as you discover that you have been living under illusions. But at least you will not be alone, for this is one of the influences that affect everyone in one age group at about the same time. In fact, the need to change your ideals may come through your peer group. It would be a good idea to discuss this with someone who is much older or younger and who is not suffering the effects of this influence, in order to get a better perspective on what is happening to you. If you begin psychotherapy now, which is quite possible, you should not choose a therapist of your own age. While he or she might understand you, he cannot give you a different perspective.
Many elements of your life - relationships, job situations, places - may pass away now, but this is only a reflection of the profound changes taking place within you. After this period is over you may find it hard to recognize the person you were before.
Whatever you choose to do, it would be a good idea to study a subject that will give you greater understanding about your life. Astrology, the occult, metaphysics or even depth psychology might serve this purpose. But don't get lost in abstractions: make sure that what you learn has real consequences in your everyday life, because you have great needs there that should be met. Also your studies should give you very deep understanding. Nothing superficial would help you at this time.
Uranus opposition Mars: Psychological explosions
Beginning of June 2010 until mid February 2012: With this influence you can expect rebellious and explosive energies to enter your life. You may begin to chafe at the restrictions on your life and break free of them, or others may rebel against restrictions that you have placed on them.
You are likely to be in a fighting mood toward anyone who says that you cannot do something. You will act more impulsively and fly off the handle at the slightest provocation, especially if you usually tend to hold everything in. You want to assert yourself, and you are not terribly concerned about the obstacles you come up against.
One manifestation of this influence can be a new fondness for taking risks. You take chances and do things that don't have much chance of working out. Subconsciously you may be trying to prove yourself by pulling off a "long shot" or making a big splash if you fail.
Sometimes you can suppress this feeling of rebellious self-assertion and make your life go on as if nothing were happening. But this is not a good idea, because the energy does not go away. This influence signifies that you need to make changes in your life that will allow you to be more self-assertive than you have been.
This influence may also affect your relations with other people. If others feel the need to be more assertive with you, let them state their case and then try to come to some accommodation with them. If you allow others to be themselves with you, it will be easier to be yourself with them. Trying to live according to your old plan is not likely to work out very well at this time. Psychological explosions are expressions of unresolved tensions that should have been handled before when there was less energy behind them. Even now it is not too late to handle them, if you are willing to be flexible. You may have to make truly revolutionary changes in your life, but you will benefit in the long run.
Saturn sextile Saturn: Limited warranty
Mid December 2010 until end of September 2011: This is a time of equilibrium and balance in your life, because now you have a pretty good idea of how to handle your own world. Events will run along more or less easily during this time. But it is important to note that it will not necessarily be an especially happy or peaceful time. Our lives are directed by our own demands much more than we realize, but very often those demands are unconscious. We would often be horrified if we knew what we are really trying to do. We try to protect ourselves and what we feel belongs to us from "threats" that often are not real threats according to adult criteria. Yet we structure our world according to them. This influence only guarantees that you will be successful in patterning your world. If you are very unhappy at this time, you had best get in touch with what you are really doing.
This can be a time when you are successfully approaching your main conscious goals in life. Or it can be a time when you are being run largely by unconscious "programs," as if you were a computer. Usually you will experience a little of both of these effects. However, in the long run the positive possibilities are more useful to know about. Concerning the negative side of this influence, suffice it to say that the difficult and unsatisfactory aspects of your life that you are experiencing now require you to look into yourself more closely.
At this time you are particularly good at working with other people. You are able to see your individuality and differentness in a way that makes it possible for you to work with others in a complementary way so that neither you nor they feel competitive. You can work just as well with people who are above you and with those at your own level.
You approach your own goals methodically and practically, for you are not particularly idealistic at this point. You are much more concerned about how to achieve what you want in concrete practical terms. Use this time well, for it gives you the opportunity to lay a foundation that will protect you in the future.
Saturn conjunction Sun: Concentrating energy
Mid December 2010 until end of September 2011: This influence can bring both fulfillment and difficulty. Roughly fourteen years ago you went through a period of adversity and low vitality. But at the same time you made new beginnings, which are having results now. These efforts will either reach a climax and be successful, or you will realize that they have failed. In any case this is a time of tremendous responsibility and hard work, either to guarantee the successful conclusion of your old projects and endeavors or to salvage the best from the failures.
In those areas of your life that you have handled successfully - in your job, your domestic life, or whatever - the responsibility of bringing your activities to a successful climax will limit your freedom of movement. Even if you know that events are turning out as you want, you may feel restless under the burdens. Try to be patient and concentrate wholly upon the tasks at hand.
Do not take on any new projects at this time that are not directly connected to what you are already doing. The additional responsibility could be too much for you and could cause health problems, especially with your heart and circulatory system. When you have successfully completed all your current projects, you may start new ones. This is a time of perseverance, hard work and heavy responsibility.
Those areas of your life that have not worked out as expected should not be regarded as complete failures. Several years ago when you embarked on these projects, you may not have understood as much as you understand now. This influence will make you aware of this fact. Don't start out on a new course until you have cleared up whatever has not worked out.
During this time you may feel cut off from others and lonely, but do not be too concerned about this. Even if this influence coincides with the breaking up of a relationship, which it may, it means that the relationship itself is distracting you from matters that you must attend to now. This is a time for concentrating energy, not scattering it.
Jupiter opposition Sun: A turning point
4 April 2011 until 12 April 2011: This can be and usually is a very positive time. But you can make more or less out of it, depending upon how you handle it. In most ways it represents a period of culmination in your life, and you will be tempted to expand beyond any reasonable limit. There is no question that you have a good chance for success in any one of a number of endeavors at this time and, within reason, you should pursue them. However, you should not restrict yourself solely to material and physical growth now. Even if you don't have all the material goods that you want, you should turn your attention to spiritual and inner needs. Ultimately, nothing satisfies like satisfaction. Objects that you acquire, possessions, money, and even social prestige are merely devices to make you feel that you have satisfaction. They are not the state of satisfaction itself. It is your inner difficulties that make your life less than it could be, even if you have corresponding problems in the material world. You must look for the solutions within yourself, and this time represents a turning point, where you should begin to look for the answers.
Under this influence, the tendency is to go after everything that you want in the material world without caring especially about whoever is in your way, to gather as much stuff as you can and indulge yourself in what you want. Then, as the influence subsides, you may feel that this effort has failed, leaving your life as empty as it was before.
Do not be arrogant toward others or assume that you have everything right. Through meaningful encounters with others, especially intimate one-to-one encounters, you can find out which way you should go at this time. Work with another person and think in terms of mutual growth. By trying to achieve goals set by both of you and by trying to be a twosome, you each will become more conscious of what you are as an individual. If you can recognize the real meaning of this influence in terms of your own life, this can be an extremely productive and growth- oriented time, a period that will always have meaning for you.
Jupiter conjunction Jupiter: Wonderful opportunities
11 May 2011 until 20 May 2011: This influence indicates the beginning of a new cycle of growth and progress. However, it is often the focus of exaggerated expectations. You may expect sudden windfalls, great wealth or luck, and all kinds of wonderful opportunities. And these things do happen sometimes with this influence, but most people should expect more subtle, but equally useful effects.
Events now, such as meetings with persons or even changes in your psyche, open the way for you to become wiser and more mature and to have a broader understanding of the world. At this time you will reach out consciously and unconsciously and ask more of the world, but at the same time you are willing to give more to the world.
This influence can make you feel either more demanding or more giving toward others, but you are not likely to get much out of it if you think only of what you can get. The law of conservation of energy in the universe says that you can transform the energies in your life from one form to another, but you cannot create them out of nothing. This influence represents a time when you should see whether you are doing that in your life.
Concretely, you can expect persons who are good for you to come into your life. Or circumstances will arise that give you increased freedom or an opportunity to do something that you have never done before. Educational opportunities may come to you at this time, or a chance to travel. Sometimes this influence does in fact bring about financial advantage, but you should not sit around passively waiting for it to happen.
Short Report - Forecast December 2010 to May 2011
for Katie (female)
born on 10 Oct 1987 local time 9:50 am
in Portland, OR (US) U.T. 16:50
122w41, 45n31 sid. time 09:54:18
Planetary positions
planet sign degree motion
Sun Libra 16°50'42 in house 11 direct
Moon Gemini 0°57'16 in house 7 direct
Mercury Scorpio 11°15'08 in house 12 direct
Venus Libra 29°47'38 in house 12 direct
Mars Libra 1°12'52 in house 11 direct
Jupiter Aries 25°44'12 in house 6 retrograde
Saturn Sagittarius 16°39'37 in house 2 direct
Uranus Sagittarius 23°21'38 in house 2 direct
Neptune Capricorn 5°22'48 in house 2 direct
Pluto Scorpio 8°58'59 in house 12 direct
True Node Aries 2°18'40 in house 5 retrograde
House positions (Placidus)
Ascendant Scorpio 14°00'23
2nd House Sagittarius 13°25'07
3rd House Capricorn 18°51'53
Imum Coeli Aquarius 26°20'12
5th House Pisces 28°38'43
6th House Aries 23°57'24
Descendant Taurus 14°00'23
8th House Gemini 13°25'07
9th House Cancer 18°51'53
Medium Coeli Leo 26°20'12
11th House Virgo 28°38'43
12th House Libra 23°57'24
Pluto conjunction Neptune Beginning of February 2010 until beginning of December 2011
Uranus opposition Mars Beginning of June 2010 until mid February 2012
Saturn sextile Saturn Mid December 2010 until end of September 2011
Saturn conjunction Sun Mid December 2010 until end of September 2011
Jupiter opposition Sun 4 April 2011 until 12 April 2011
Jupiter conjunction Jupiter 11 May 2011 until 20 May 2011