All My LIttle Words by ellyriana [recced by Ayesakara]

Sep 07, 2008 22:11

Because I missed last night's rec, here's two for the week. First one:

Title: All My Little Words
Written by: ellyrianna
Timeframe: Post Season Five
Word Count: 1695
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Why I Recommend This Fic:
Because I love fics where someone from the gang gets his or her revelation about B/J and they're surprised. In this case, it's Michael -- who finds himself flabbergasted, and somewhat irritated, at the effect Justin has on Brian and how B/J are with each other. It's a realization much overdue, but it makes for a very satisfying read. Also because I love fics where we get a futuristic glimpse of B/J where they're happy and comfortable together. Lovely piece!

Read the story here:
All My Little Words by ellyrianna

fic, recs: ayesakara, ellyrianna, post season five

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