Raw by burnitbackwards [recced by Ayesakara]

Sep 07, 2008 22:11

And second:

Title: Raw
Written by: burnitbackwards
Timeframe: Unidentified timeline but most probably a Post Season Four future universe
Word Count: 5106
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Nothing
Why I Recommend This Fic:
Because it's the ultimate B/J doing it raw fic. I'm not much into smut. I basically like my fics with plot and drama. So is it any wonder that the one raw fic I love to death contains superb characterization and a shipload of B/J heart and soul. As the author states in her summary, there was one thing Brian and Justin had never tried -- and they try it here. All I can say is.... aaaaaaaaaaamazing! If you've never read this fic before, what rock have been living under? Go check it out! :)

Read the story here:
Raw by burnitbackwards

fic, recs: ayesakara, burnitbackwards, post season four, future fic, undetermined timeframe

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