The Time Between Then And Now by chering and fansee [recced by Ayesakara]

Aug 31, 2008 22:17

Title: The Time Between Then and Now
Written by: chering and fansee
Timeframe: Season Three gapfiller
Word Count: 8725
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Why I Recommend This Fic:
Because the voices are perfect, the dialogue absolutely true to character, and I can totally see all this happening during the first half of season three. And also because I'd never read this fic until tonight and I love being pleasantly surprised. There are different POVs, Brian, Justin, among others... and each voice feels accurate and in-sync with the character it is supposed to portray. That's hard to accomplish in a multi-POV fic but the authors do a great job. Set during the painful time B/J were separated, this fic makes that ache a little easier to bear. Because it shows that it was only inevitable that they were going to be together again. It's their destiny. :)

Read the story here:
The Time Between Then and Now by chering and fansee

Don't forget to leave the authors feedback!

fansee, fic, recs: ayesakara, season three, chering, gapfiller

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