Sugar Daddy by f1renze [recced by Ayesakara]

Aug 30, 2008 22:44

Video: Sugar Daddy // Frank Black
Vidded by: f1renze / Kitze Productions
Timeframe: Seasons 1-4
Time count: 1:30
Rating: R
Warnings: Nothing
Why I Recommend This Vid:
Because how can one not rec a Gus and Brian video? It's cute and sweet and cuddly and lovingly adorable. Or adorably cuddly. And sweet. Did I mention its really very cute? We all know Gus was Brian's favorite guy in the world ever. After Justin, that is. A father's love knows no bounds. This sweet little vid shows us how Gus has his "Sugar" Daddy wrapped around his little pinky finger. Go check it out! :)

Download the vid here:
Sugar Daddy by f1renze

Don't forget to give the vidder feedback here.

seasons 1-4, recs: ayesakara, vid, f1renze

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