oh I dunno know shit from shineola 'bout lotsa thangs

Dec 20, 2010 13:26

So last night I stayed on Skype with my son until the South Koreans finished up their military drill and it seemed like the North Koreans were not going to blow anything up in retaliation.
What was interesting was there was actually no news about it on the US side until the actual drill began. My son was screen sharing with me the news feeds he had access to and he didn't know anything more than I did. His wife teaches English at a private school in the south of South Korea. All the SK people were completely unfazed by the series of North Korean threats and posturing and were quite miffed that my son and his wife seemed anxious. My son had already registered with the US embassy, gotten their personal paperwork in order,liquid assets amassed and a car full of petrol, camping gear and supplies to last 7 days So they could bug out to Seoul, the closest airport. Other than that what can you do? If you are in a foreign country and it breaks out in war and the Embassy tells all US citizens to evacuate that is the extent of the 'help'.
It got me thinking about what we could actually DO if there were a war HERE. In America. Which, after talking about it at length with Bryan, amounts to committing to hunkerin down and trying to prepare to outlast the inevitable shortages. Then I thought about all the movies and documentaries about war I've seen (because really? What the Fuck do I know about war? I was born in America and I've never seen war in real life) and always in hindsight there were all kinds of sign war was coming but everyone went about their business like everything was going to be okay. Until it happened, Then all the regular day to day people just hunkered down and waited it out.
People with money or connections/power leave the area first.
The other weird thing (maybe this is just my America-centric education/upbringing talking) is that it seemed like America was the place everyone ran to to get away from war. I wonder where Americans would run away to?
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