who_knits is having a
Fourth Doctor knit-along, and this actually was going to be a reply
to a post by purpleprimate until I realised I was going on about myself and it was probably something more to pimp to my flist, anyway.
I didn't know how to knit until I knitted the Doctor Who scarf.
Well, I did know... but my grandmother taught me, and she's left-handed, and I'm not, so it just was a Very Bad Idea. And I'd never, ever finished a craft project -- cross-stitch, long-stitch, latch-hook, teddy bears... I still have half-made craft projects my mother got me started on and I just never had the inspiration to finish.
then I decided to try and attempt the season 12 scarf from doctorwhoscarf.com, calling myself all kinds of names at the same time for my stupidity. So I went out and got
some very cheap 100% acrylic yarn that really isn't in the right colours but might be kind of close, because I didn't want to spend a small fortune on yarn if I didn't finish it -- I spent enough as it was.
I did finish it, although it wasn't nearly as long as it should have been (needle size and tension, methinks), and now I spend way too much on knitting products in the cooler weather (I find it just too damn hot to knit extensively in summer and turn to beading instead).
Now I just have to explain to my family why I want to knit another Doctor Who scarf when I already have one (I don't think they'll be any happier when I say "but mine isn't in the exactly right colours!", somehow).