in which presents are given...

Dec 26, 2010 00:14

Who: North Italy (Feliciano Vargas) & Germany (Ludwig)
When: Christmas Day, morning.
Where: Germany & Italy's apartment.
What: Presents. Presents everywhere... or not.
Warnings: High levels of utter derp.

It was relatively early on Christmas morning, and a lot earlier than Italy was used to waking up at. However, today was a special day; his and Ludwig's first Christmas together in their own apartment! Oh, and Prussia too. Italy kept forgetting about the new addition to the household. He hoped his friend's brother wasn't cold sleeping on that couch all the time- he'd suggested letting him sleep in the bed with them, but was met with a firm no from Germany right away.

Speaking of Germany... Italy wondered where the man was. He wasn't in the room, and he couldn't hear heavy footsteps moving around the apartment. Trying not to worry, Italy got up out of bed- once again, neglecting to put on any clothes and staying in his boxers- and moved through towards the living area. There was no sign of either German brother. He moved to the kitchen, but no. Nobody there either. It was unnerving, being alone like this on an important day. Surely Germany thought so too? Did he go to work? Italy hoped for the best, hoping that they'd get a proper day off together. It'd be nice to have another piece of normality in this strange place. Oh no, what if Germany had been kidnapped?

Where was Germany?

germany (ludwig), north italy (feliciano vargas)

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