Plot - Zarathrustra [closed]

Dec 23, 2010 09:08

Who: Prima, Ritsuka Aoyagi, Zidane Tribal, Alphonse Elric, BLU Spy & Others...
When: ?
Where: ?
What: The five partygoers who attended the Christmas party wake up.
Warnings: Violence, torture, psychological trauma, potential character death and generally unpleasant things. All participants may be subjected to godmodding by mods. NOTE: You do not have to play out especially gruesome scenes - a fade to black is perfectly fine, in that case just contact a moderator to talk over what happened. Also, please bear with any slowness on our part.

It’ll take a while for you to come to; you can thank the gas for that. Though not deadly by itself, nerve paralysis is common when inhaled in large quantities, which explains why you’ll be unable to move your arms, legs and even toes and fingers when you wake up on the cold steel table you’ve been strapped to, leather cuffs tightly holding you not unlike a hospital patient awaiting operation. The only part of your body that doesn’t remain bound in place is your head - a small mercy, one that allows you to get a better impression of your surroundings through neck craning.

It’s a small room. A chamber, if you will, with grey walls peeling from age and wear, no windows, and an odor wafting about it that smells both moldy and coppery, something one can associate with the sour unpleasantness of old storm cellars left to rot in the rainy seasons. And, deeper under that, there’s the smell of blood. Urine. Bodily fluids that seem surprisingly fresh.

Whoever put you here had the audacity to leave the door open halfway, but try as you might, you won’t be able to see what lays beyond it. All you can do is wait.

alphonse elric, *plot, blu spy, ritsuka aoyagi, zidane tribal, *id, prima

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