// When I thought that I fought this war alone

Dec 27, 2010 23:10

Who:  Liquid Snake and Kadaj
When: Backdated to Christmas Day
Where: Kadaj's room.
What: An odd sort of Christmas, for the two most volatile.
Warnings: None. But knowing these two, just wait.

Liquid was not the most religious of people.

Quite the opposite, really. If God existed, he probably had more in common with the average Sims player than anything else, as far as he was concerned.

Christmas, to him, was an annoyance. A time where you couldn't walk into a store without hearing annoying, sappy and nonsensical tunes, where you couldn't walk down a street without someone wishing you joy. It was a time of loud noises and annoying people, of singing and dancing and togetherness. Togetherness. Familial closeness. Pointlessness. It was harder on him than he would ever have admitted. Keeping his temper in check had been hard, extremely hard and he wasn't sure how he'd managed it.

Since he'd been here, a lot of people had been worryingly encouraging. Trying to push him towards 'bettering' his life. How annoying. He didn't need it. Despite that, despite everything, he had decided almost on a whim a few days earlier to do something that went against his natural instincts - for Kadaj.

That didn't mean, of course, that he couldn't be annoying about it. That would be why that morning he simply leant over to brush his lips lightly against Kadaj's ear...

...and shouted.


liquid snake, kadaj

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