(no subject)

May 04, 2008 08:30

Who: Shu and Yuber
When: This morning
Rating: TBA
Warnings: Yuber is a warning in and of himself
Summary: Trying to escape Jenova's fury, Schuldig dropped into his demon form. Surprised by the fact there is still pain, he resumes his search for the books he needs.

Yuber didn't sleep. This hadn't helped the hours pass any sooner. Hanging upside down (again) he sighed as Nathan poked him with the marker (again). While drawing his rapiers and cutting himself free would have been easy, he would have fallen on Elena's tonberry when he came crashing down. The resulting violence when she found out the human and demon were one in the same would have been enough to make Luca himself reconsider matters.

Little wonder she reminded him of Windy sometimes.

So there he was, stuck hanging upside down by his ankles. The Black Knight, terror of more than a few, hung there and spun in a slow circle whenever the tonberry jabbed him again with its crayon. Hissing threats hadn't worked at the thing. Waving or pushing at it hadn't done much either given his distance from the ground. It would take a step back to avoid whatever he did and then immediately get right back under him where it would be injured or squished when he came down.

His hat had fallen from his head when the maze of ropes had snapped him up off the ground. The tonberry had, either by accident or on purpose, kicked it out of the way. At least it hadn't been trampled. The very tip of his braid brushed the floor, Nathan occasionally giving it a tug or stepping on the end. There was one demon in Sunde who's nature was being sorely fucking tested by all this. A Creature of Chaos, he hated being confined in any way, shape, or form.

Most hadn't wondered much why Schuldig went ballastic at the mention of being locked up anywhere or confined somehow.

After two hours of this, Yuber was about ready to draw his weapons and cut that rope, lizard-thing be damned. When the next slow prod of a crayon to his scalp came, the demon's self-control burst.

"Stop that, maggot! Get the fuck away from me! Go bother that woman!" he shouted, immediately regretting it as the noise rang through Sunde's silence.

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