
May 17, 2009 15:14

We (well, Jake) just finished putting in a bunch of topsoil and planting seeds in our raised bed garden.  I mostly just watched and chattered at him and handed him seed packets.
Here's what we plan to grow:
Pumpkins (2 hillocks)
Buttercup squash (1 seedling)
Tomatoes (2 seedlings)
Bell pepper (2 seedlings)
1 row each of scallions, carrots, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, and peas
Small rows of basil, oregano, and parsley (plus we have a potted sage that somehow managed to survive the winter that we might transplant)

We put 18 marigolds around the perimeter of the raised bed and I've been keeping our dryer lint from the laundry all winter to put around the edges of the garden in case we have trouble with rabbits.

Gardening, plus me mowing 1/2 the yard yesterday, has gotten us both pooped.  We're going to take little naps here and then I'm going to try to work on my manuscript revisions while Jake puts together 2 pans of mac&cheese (1 for dinner, 1 to freeze for when BP appears).

I'm so glad that I found a planter-man.  We both get a lot of satisfaction out of seeing things grow and knowing that our hands put the seeds in the ground.  I'm super excited that we'll be (hopefully) harvesting really good, fresh food this summer to feed ourselves and freeze for baby to try when they are old enough.  What's better as a first food than homegrown, frozen squash? Sounds pretty yum to me.

going green, garden, jake

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