Avoiding my paper

May 19, 2009 15:05

So we planted our garden on Sunday. 
That night, we got frost.   Jake is pretty sure all the marigolds and the seedlings are dead and won't make it at all.  At least none of the seeds will have germinated yet and are probably ok.  Still, it's $30+ down the drain, which is discouraging. 
I guess you live and learn and next year we won't plant the garden until Memorial Day, at LEAST.

I had a REAL contraction Monday night.  It was funny, as I had been talking to Jake about how I was nervous that I wouldn't know what a contraction was, since I've never experienced one before.  I figured out BH contractions after having them for a while.  
This contraction was different, like a dull ache over my entire belly, but centered more on the top right.  As it stopped, I noticed that the ache never really disappeared, only dulled.  It was kind of like having a charley horse-- once the cramp is gone there is the after-ache that takes a while longer to go away. 
I'm going to have to find things to distract me from paying attention to the contractions during labor, though.  Maybe it was because it was my first one and was a novel experience, but I found myself really paying attention to it.  That made it seem to last FOREVER and probably made it a bit more uncomfortable than it needed to be.  I wanted to experience it though, just to have a handle on what early labor 'might' feel like.

I've been so, so tired lately.  I want to go to bed as soon as I get home, but spend some time for dinner and walking Olive and being with Jake before finally getting into bed.  I must be sleeping really deeply because the only thing that wakes me up is the incredible urge to pee and feeling like I need to drink a gallon of water each time I roll over.  I need to be getting more rest, apparently.

The deadline for my paper has been pushed back by the journal until May 30th.  JRT wants to submit it on the 25th so that we make the deadline with plenty of time to spare.  Plus, that's only 1 week over the original due date of the 18th.  I just want it done with and submitted.  It's the last thing standing in my way, work-wise, between me and having this baby.  Everything I do after submission will be little experiments that won't mean anything until after I come back from leave.   Since I've been so tired, I'm really thinking that I want to take off from work early, either the week of or immediately after my due date, depending on when I pop.  At the same time, I don't want to burn through my 3 weeks of 'vacation/sick' leave BEFORE the baby comes.  I'd much rather have those to bank on for a NY trip in August when Jake finishes grad school.

Speaking of Jake and school, we still haven't heard if he'll be getting in-state tuition yet.  The deadline for him to send in his acceptance deposit has been waived (I don't know until when) but I don't think he can register for his courses until he sends in that money.  Also, I don't know how we'll go about paying for his tuition (whether in- or out-of-state) and we should probably start looking into the process of applying for student loans and setting up payment plans or something like that. 
This whole money thing, it sucks.

Baby has hiccups and gets really excited about 40 minutes after I drink coffee.  I should probably lay off the stimulants from now on.


baby blabber, pregnancy, tired, garden, money, jake

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