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tijd May 25 2020, 19:04:29 UTC
Разворот 2010 года, который завершится успехом Tea Party и республиканцев на выборах в Конгресс, включал участие JBS и родственных ей организаций в конференции CPAC.

The John Birch Society, whose conspiracy theories eventually became so fantastic that it faded into irrelevance, has edged back toward the mainstream - or at least the mainstream of conservative thought. It’s listed as one of 87 co-sponsors of next month’s annual Conservative Political Action Conference [CPAC] in Washington, D.C. The conference is “the year’s must-attend event for the Republican establishment,” says POLITICO.com. Speakers at the Feb. 18-20 conference include Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Tim Pawlenty - all potential GOP presidential candidates in 2012. The Birch Society isn’t the only far-right, conspiracy-minded group or individual invited to CPAC. Another co-sponsor is Oath Keepers, the antigovernment organization composed mostly of active-duty law enforcement and military, as well as veterans. Its members pledge to defy 10 orders, including orders to ( ... )


tijd May 26 2020, 13:25:53 UTC
Характерная история про Гленна Бека из 2010 и эхо 1930ых:

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tijd May 26 2020, 13:28:18 UTC

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tijd May 26 2020, 23:22:09 UTC
On September 22, Beck went on Fox News and introduced his viewers to another book, called Secrets of the Federal Reserve, pulling a quote from it to attack Woodrow Wilson. The author of Secrets of the Federal Reserve was one Eustace Mullins, who passed away earlier this year. His obituary in his hometown paper began as follows: “Nationally known white supremacist and anti-Semite Eustace Mullins of Staunton, described in 2000 by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a one-man organization of hate, died Wednesday in Waller County, Texas, at age 86.”
Secrets of the Federal Reserve details the conspiracy of German Jewish bankers to seize the wealth of the United States through the Federal Reserve. Mullins led a prolific and well-documented life of anti-Semitism and conspiracy mongering, two themes that converged when he blamed the 9-11 attacks on the Israeli Mossad.https://www.mediamatters.org/glenn-beck/how-many-anti-semites- ( ... )


tijd May 27 2020, 00:36:51 UTC
В тот год на CPAC председательствовал Дэвид Кин. После выступления Бека про «раковую опухоль прогрессивизма» Кин оставил свой автограф у него на доске. До этого ему самому случалось выступать с нападками на Вудро Вильсона, но в более вегетарианских выражениях.

“Historians have always loved Wilson, perhaps because they see him as one of their own: an author, an intellectual and a university president. Harding, on the other hand, was just a regular guy without pretension who tried to do the right thing; not the sort of guy admired by the academic and journalistic elitists who write histories.”

Через год после этого Кин познакомился с Александром Торшиным, а в 2015 привёл Марию Бутину на заседание CNP, членом которого является.

3/ From the Senate Finance report re: 4/27/15 email from David Keene to Maria Butina stating “glad you can go to CNP ( ... )


tijd May 27 2020, 01:13:33 UTC

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