Разворот 2010 года, который завершится успехом Tea Party и республиканцев на выборах в Конгресс, включал участие JBS и родственных ей организаций в конференции CPAC.
The John Birch Society, whose conspiracy theories eventually became so fantastic that it faded into irrelevance, has edged back toward the mainstream - or at least the mainstream of conservative thought. It’s listed as one of 87 co-sponsors of next month’s annual Conservative Political Action Conference [CPAC] in Washington, D.C. The conference is “the year’s must-attend event for the Republican establishment,” says POLITICO.com. Speakers at the Feb. 18-20 conference include Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Tim Pawlenty - all potential GOP presidential candidates in 2012. <...> The Birch Society isn’t the only far-right, conspiracy-minded group or individual invited to CPAC. Another co-sponsor is Oath Keepers, the antigovernment organization composed mostly of active-duty law enforcement and military, as well as veterans. Its members pledge to defy 10 orders, including orders to place U.S. citizens in detention camps and orders to confiscate food or property. Another CPAC sponsor is Eagle Forum, founded by Phyllis Schlafly. Among other things, she has promoted the North American Union conspiracy theory that claims the United States will forsake its sovereignty in a merger with Canada and Mexico. She also wrote a book, A Choice, Not an Echo, that suggested a conspiracy theory in which the Republican Party was secretly controlled by elites who were dominated by members of the Bilderberger banking conference. [The annual, secretive, invitation-only Bilderberger conferences are attended largely by politicians, bankers and business moguls]. Yet another CPAC sponsor is Accuracy in Media, a far-right media watchdog that claimed Vince Foster, deputy White Counsel to Bill Clinton, was murdered and that it was covered up. Many prominent conservatives who were hardly fans of Clinton said there no evidence of murder. Foster’s death was ruled a suicide. AIM also has asserted that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has Marxist ties and that the United Nations is planning to impose a one-world government. More recently, AIM’s editor, Cliff Kincaid, promulgated the unfounded theories of the “birther movement.” The birthers claim President Obama is not a U.S. citizen and is, therefore holding office illegally. Then there is CPAC’s keynote speaker: Fox News personality Glenn Beck. He signed a petition demanding a probe into whether the Bush administration was involved in the 9/11 attacks. He perpetuated the conspiracy theory (before finally debunking it) that the U.S. government may be building detention camps in which to place citizens in the event of national turmoil. And he suggested that Obama has deliberately implemented policies that will force young people to go to work at ACORN and Americorps. In other words, he fits right in with many others attending the conference. https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2010/01/26/conspiracy-central-beck-birchers-converge-conservative-conference
Характерная история про Гленна Бека из 2010 и эхо 1930ых:
Glenn Beck's latest excursion to the farthest fringes of the old American right, which occurred on his radio show last Friday when he endorsed "The Red Network" by the late Nazi author and activist Elizabeth Dilling, revealed much about his own weird outlook. According to the Fox News star, Dilling's book, a racist and anti-Semitic tract published in 1935 as an "exposé of Communism," strongly resembles the patriotic service that he performs today. It is of course true that Dilling, and every other Nazi, Silver Shirt, Bundist and fascist of that era, promoted their ideology as "patriotic," "Constitutionalist" and devoutly "Christian," much as Beck does. But if he would like to understand the dismal pedigree of his own work in detail, he can look up another old book: "Under Cover," by John Roy Carlson, published by E.P. Dutton in 1943. Carlson's gripping work was among the greatest efforts of wartime investigative journalism, which he reported while masquerading as a pro-Nazi publicist under the name George Paganelli. (Carlson itself was a pen name for Arthur Derounian.) A sensational bestseller, "Under Cover" was a featured selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club, which touted it as "a Who's Who of demagogues, crackpots, patrioteering racketeers, and Axis agents." What Carlson/Paganelli learned as he ingratiated himself with Dilling and her ilk was that they were indeed spreading hate and sowing defeatism directly on behalf of the German and Japanese propaganda ministries. The Germans used their own news services to promote Dilling's operation, known as the "Patriotic Research Bureau," along with the works of William Dudley Pelley, Charles Hudson and Gerald B. Winrod, the Kansan who became notorious as the "Jayhawk Nazi." In short, the self-proclaimed patriots were traitors. https://www.salon.com/2010/06/07/dilling/
In a comment he provided to HNN, Jeansonne asserted that Dilling was “the most prominent of a group of anti-communist, anti-Semitic American women during the 1930s and 1940s.” As such, Jeansonne stated that she is “not a reliable source for information about communism. She believed Jews inspired communism...” In fact, one of Dilling’s own works, The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today, originally titled The Plot Against Christianity, strongly suggests that anti-Semitism was a key component to Dilling's ardent anti-communist ideology. "Marxism, Socialism, or Communism [sic] in practice are nothing but state-capitalism and rule by a privileged minority, exercising despotic and total control over a majority having virtually no property or legal rights,” Dilling wrote in 1964. “As is discussed elsewhere herein, Talmudic Judaism is the progenitor of modem Communism and Marxist collectivism as it is now applied to a billion or more of the world's population." Dilling’s third book, The Octopus, published in 1940, was written under the pseudonym Rev. Frank Woodruff Johnson, and emphasized the Jewish-communist conspiracy more than her previous works had. Based even more on her own readings of the Talmud than The Jewish Religion was, the work targeted the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith as the engineer of a communist coup in the United States. Marx was a “descendent of a long line of rabbis,” the work read (Octupus, 67). As Adjunct law professor at Cornell Law School and General Counsel of the World Jewish Congress Menachem Rosensaft noted in an opinion piece for the World Jewish Congress’s website, Dilling’s The Plot Against Christianity is featured on the web site of David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the KKK, along with her “assertions that the Bolshevik Revolution was ‘heavily financed by outside Jewish financial and banking houses,’ and that ‘This Jewish control still exists, despite propaganda to the contrary, designed to delude and deceive non-Jews.’” https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/127931
@GlennBeck hit the nail on the head in his #CPAC speech: USA is the abiding beacon of freedom & we need "less Marx, more Madison"! - Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) February 21, 2010
On September 22, Beck went on Fox News and introduced his viewers to another book, called Secrets of the Federal Reserve, pulling a quote from it to attack Woodrow Wilson. The author of Secrets of the Federal Reserve was one Eustace Mullins, who passed away earlier this year. His obituary in his hometown paper began as follows: “Nationally known white supremacist and anti-Semite Eustace Mullins of Staunton, described in 2000 by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a one-man organization of hate, died Wednesday in Waller County, Texas, at age 86.” Secrets of the Federal Reserve details the conspiracy of German Jewish bankers to seize the wealth of the United States through the Federal Reserve. Mullins led a prolific and well-documented life of anti-Semitism and conspiracy mongering, two themes that converged when he blamed the 9-11 attacks on the Israeli Mossad. https://www.mediamatters.org/glenn-beck/how-many-anti-semites-does-glenn-beck-have-cite
Упомянутый автор книжки с теорией заговора про Федеральный резерв был настолько кондовым антисемитом, что считал Дэвида Дюка засланным казачком.
He told me that things were getting worse for the enemies of the Jews, and where once they came at him as single spies, now they attacked in battalions. They had tried to kill him seven times, most recently by cutting his brakelines. They were everywhere. To find them, he said, watch CNN. David Duke showed up on the news via satellite up-link from the Tehran Holocaust-denial conference, and Mullins identified him immediately as an agent of Zion: no true enemy of the Jews could get airtime on a major network. "He's a playboy. Some Jew must have taken him to Hollywood and given him a big pompadour. He looks like a homosexual from the most homosexual part of New York." Duke, he said, was peddling ersatz Jew-hatred at the behest of the Jews themselves, as a way to discredit the anti-Semitic cause. Sharing airtime with Wolf Blitzer, he said, is its own proof of intellectual bankruptcy (admittedly not the craziest thing I ever heard). Mullins was himself rumored to be gay. He never married. In 1968, he wrote that Jewish parasites had spawned "a massive wave of homosexuality and degeneracy in America," and that the rise of American Jewry had caused Gentile men to take on female secondary sexual characteristics. Mullins bragged to me about having spent a night with Allen Ginsberg in Manhattan. "He didn't bother me at all," Mullins said with a naughty smile, "which was rather insulting, because I considered myself a pretty good-looking guy." https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2010/09/into-the-psyche-of-eustace-mullins/63457/
Из заглавного выступления (keynote) Гленна Бека на CPAC 2010:
“Hello. Please. Thank you. Please be seated. I have to tell you, I hate Woodrow Wilson with everything in me, God bless you. <...> Progressivism is the cancer in America and it is eating our Constitution. And it was designed to eat the Constitution. To progress past the Constitution. <...> And we need to address it as if it is a cancer. It must be cut out of the system because they cannot co-exist. And you don’t cure cancer by - well, I’m just going to give you a little bit of cancer. You must eradicate it. It cannot co-exist. And we need big thinkers, and brave people with spines who can make the case - that can actually say to Americans: look it’s going to be hard - it’s going to be hard but it’s going to be okay. We’re going to make it. <...> This is after Woodrow Wilson. After the war, after the progressives got into office with Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt had his progressive party - hah ho ho, I’ve got big plans - and Woodrow Wilson said, well he’s a crazy man, I’m not going to be quite as progressive as that. So, uh, Woodrow Wilson gets in and he gives us the Fed. How’s that working out for us, huh?” http://dauthazbeechphagein.blogspot.com/2010/04/cpac-2010-keynote-speech-by-glenn-beck.html
В тот год на CPAC председательствовал Дэвид Кин. После выступления Бека про «раковую опухоль прогрессивизма» Кин оставил свой автограф у него на доске. До этого ему самому случалось выступать с нападками на Вудро Вильсона, но в более вегетарианских выражениях.
“Historians have always loved Wilson, perhaps because they see him as one of their own: an author, an intellectual and a university president. Harding, on the other hand, was just a regular guy without pretension who tried to do the right thing; not the sort of guy admired by the academic and journalistic elitists who write histories.” https://thehill.com/opinion/columnists/david-keene/69203-a-second-look-at-harding
Keene was forced out of his longtime chairmanship at the American Conservative Union (ACU) in February 2011 after the board discovered $400K in donations had been embezzled from the 501(c)(4). The crime was pinned on Keene’s ex-wife, Diana Carr, who was (curiously) working as ACU’s “administrative director” at the time.² She was ultimately sentenced to a year in jail. Keene escaped criminal liability in the matter, but his political reputation was badly damaged. In an op-ed in Politico, Republican Congressman Andy Barr of Kentucky skewered him, writing, “After leading the ACU for nearly 30 years, Keene exits far below his high point as a Washington power broker - when he was counted as one of the few men with both the ear of Republican presidents and an ability to influence the grassroots.” “Now,” Barr observed, “leading Republican presidential contenders don’t have to answer to him.” But Keene had an ace in the hole. He had joined the NRA board in 2000 and timed his ascent in the organization’s leadership to coincide with the 2012 election. Less than three months after being kicked out of the ACU, Keene was elected as the new NRA president. The move immediately restored his importance as a power broker in conservative politics. https://medium.com/@LaddEveritt/deciphering-david-keene-86e9fb7466d9
The John Birch Society, whose conspiracy theories eventually became so fantastic that it faded into irrelevance, has edged back toward the mainstream - or at least the mainstream of conservative thought. It’s listed as one of 87 co-sponsors of next month’s annual Conservative Political Action Conference [CPAC] in Washington, D.C. The conference is “the year’s must-attend event for the Republican establishment,” says POLITICO.com. Speakers at the Feb. 18-20 conference include Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Tim Pawlenty - all potential GOP presidential candidates in 2012. <...>
The Birch Society isn’t the only far-right, conspiracy-minded group or individual invited to CPAC. Another co-sponsor is Oath Keepers, the antigovernment organization composed mostly of active-duty law enforcement and military, as well as veterans. Its members pledge to defy 10 orders, including orders to place U.S. citizens in detention camps and orders to confiscate food or property.
Another CPAC sponsor is Eagle Forum, founded by Phyllis Schlafly. Among other things, she has promoted the North American Union conspiracy theory that claims the United States will forsake its sovereignty in a merger with Canada and Mexico. She also wrote a book, A Choice, Not an Echo, that suggested a conspiracy theory in which the Republican Party was secretly controlled by elites who were dominated by members of the Bilderberger banking conference. [The annual, secretive, invitation-only Bilderberger conferences are attended largely by politicians, bankers and business moguls].
Yet another CPAC sponsor is Accuracy in Media, a far-right media watchdog that claimed Vince Foster, deputy White Counsel to Bill Clinton, was murdered and that it was covered up. Many prominent conservatives who were hardly fans of Clinton said there no evidence of murder. Foster’s death was ruled a suicide. AIM also has asserted that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has Marxist ties and that the United Nations is planning to impose a one-world government. More recently, AIM’s editor, Cliff Kincaid, promulgated the unfounded theories of the “birther movement.” The birthers claim President Obama is not a U.S. citizen and is, therefore holding office illegally.
Then there is CPAC’s keynote speaker: Fox News personality Glenn Beck. He signed a petition demanding a probe into whether the Bush administration was involved in the 9/11 attacks. He perpetuated the conspiracy theory (before finally debunking it) that the U.S. government may be building detention camps in which to place citizens in the event of national turmoil. And he suggested that Obama has deliberately implemented policies that will force young people to go to work at ACORN and Americorps.
In other words, he fits right in with many others attending the conference.
Glenn Beck's latest excursion to the farthest fringes of the old American right, which occurred on his radio show last Friday when he endorsed "The Red Network" by the late Nazi author and activist Elizabeth Dilling, revealed much about his own weird outlook. According to the Fox News star, Dilling's book, a racist and anti-Semitic tract published in 1935 as an "exposé of Communism," strongly resembles the patriotic service that he performs today.
It is of course true that Dilling, and every other Nazi, Silver Shirt, Bundist and fascist of that era, promoted their ideology as "patriotic," "Constitutionalist" and devoutly "Christian," much as Beck does.
But if he would like to understand the dismal pedigree of his own work in detail, he can look up another old book: "Under Cover," by John Roy Carlson, published by E.P. Dutton in 1943. Carlson's gripping work was among the greatest efforts of wartime investigative journalism, which he reported while masquerading as a pro-Nazi publicist under the name George Paganelli. (Carlson itself was a pen name for Arthur Derounian.) A sensational bestseller, "Under Cover" was a featured selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club, which touted it as "a Who's Who of demagogues, crackpots, patrioteering racketeers, and Axis agents."
What Carlson/Paganelli learned as he ingratiated himself with Dilling and her ilk was that they were indeed spreading hate and sowing defeatism directly on behalf of the German and Japanese propaganda ministries. The Germans used their own news services to promote Dilling's operation, known as the "Patriotic Research Bureau," along with the works of William Dudley Pelley, Charles Hudson and Gerald B. Winrod, the Kansan who became notorious as the "Jayhawk Nazi." In short, the self-proclaimed patriots were traitors.
In a comment he provided to HNN, Jeansonne asserted that Dilling was “the most prominent of a group of anti-communist, anti-Semitic American women during the 1930s and 1940s.” As such, Jeansonne stated that she is “not a reliable source for information about communism. She believed Jews inspired communism...” In fact, one of Dilling’s own works, The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today, originally titled The Plot Against Christianity, strongly suggests that anti-Semitism was a key component to Dilling's ardent anti-communist ideology. "Marxism, Socialism, or Communism [sic] in practice are nothing but state-capitalism and rule by a privileged minority, exercising despotic and total control over a majority having virtually no property or legal rights,” Dilling wrote in 1964. “As is discussed elsewhere herein, Talmudic Judaism is the progenitor of modem Communism and Marxist collectivism as it is now applied to a billion or more of the world's population."
Dilling’s third book, The Octopus, published in 1940, was written under the pseudonym Rev. Frank Woodruff Johnson, and emphasized the Jewish-communist conspiracy more than her previous works had. Based even more on her own readings of the Talmud than The Jewish Religion was, the work targeted the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith as the engineer of a communist coup in the United States. Marx was a “descendent of a long line of rabbis,” the work read (Octupus, 67).
As Adjunct law professor at Cornell Law School and General Counsel of the World Jewish Congress Menachem Rosensaft noted in an opinion piece for the World Jewish Congress’s website, Dilling’s The Plot Against Christianity is featured on the web site of David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the KKK, along with her “assertions that the Bolshevik Revolution was ‘heavily financed by outside Jewish financial and banking houses,’ and that ‘This Jewish control still exists, despite propaganda to the contrary, designed to delude and deceive non-Jews.’”
@GlennBeck hit the nail on the head in his #CPAC speech: USA is the abiding beacon of freedom & we need "less Marx, more Madison"!
- Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) February 21, 2010
Secrets of the Federal Reserve details the conspiracy of German Jewish bankers to seize the wealth of the United States through the Federal Reserve. Mullins led a prolific and well-documented life of anti-Semitism and conspiracy mongering, two themes that converged when he blamed the 9-11 attacks on the Israeli Mossad.
Упомянутый автор книжки с теорией заговора про Федеральный резерв был настолько кондовым антисемитом, что считал Дэвида Дюка засланным казачком.
He told me that things were getting worse for the enemies of the Jews, and where once they came at him as single spies, now they attacked in battalions. They had tried to kill him seven times, most recently by cutting his brakelines.
They were everywhere. To find them, he said, watch CNN. David Duke showed up on the news via satellite up-link from the Tehran Holocaust-denial conference, and Mullins identified him immediately as an agent of Zion: no true enemy of the Jews could get airtime on a major network. "He's a playboy. Some Jew must have taken him to Hollywood and given him a big pompadour. He looks like a homosexual from the most homosexual part of New York." Duke, he said, was peddling ersatz Jew-hatred at the behest of the Jews themselves, as a way to discredit the anti-Semitic cause. Sharing airtime with Wolf Blitzer, he said, is its own proof of intellectual bankruptcy (admittedly not the craziest thing I ever heard).
Mullins was himself rumored to be gay. He never married. In 1968, he wrote that Jewish parasites had spawned "a massive wave of homosexuality and degeneracy in America," and that the rise of American Jewry had caused Gentile men to take on female secondary sexual characteristics. Mullins bragged to me about having spent a night with Allen Ginsberg in Manhattan. "He didn't bother me at all," Mullins said with a naughty smile, "which was rather insulting, because I considered myself a pretty good-looking guy."
Из заглавного выступления (keynote) Гленна Бека на CPAC 2010:
“Hello. Please. Thank you. Please be seated. I have to tell you, I hate Woodrow Wilson with everything in me, God bless you. <...>
Progressivism is the cancer in America and it is eating our Constitution. And it was designed to eat the Constitution. To progress past the Constitution. <...>
And we need to address it as if it is a cancer. It must be cut out of the system because they cannot co-exist. And you don’t cure cancer by - well, I’m just going to give you a little bit of cancer. You must eradicate it. It cannot co-exist. And we need big thinkers, and brave people with spines who can make the case - that can actually say to Americans: look it’s going to be hard - it’s going to be hard but it’s going to be okay. We’re going to make it. <...>
This is after Woodrow Wilson. After the war, after the progressives got into office with Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt had his progressive party - hah ho ho, I’ve got big plans - and Woodrow Wilson said, well he’s a crazy man, I’m not going to be quite as progressive as that. So, uh, Woodrow Wilson gets in and he gives us the Fed. How’s that working out for us, huh?”
“Historians have always loved Wilson, perhaps because they see him as one of their own: an author, an intellectual and a university president. Harding, on the other hand, was just a regular guy without pretension who tried to do the right thing; not the sort of guy admired by the academic and journalistic elitists who write histories.”
Через год после этого Кин познакомился с Александром Торшиным, а в 2015 привёл Марию Бутину на заседание CNP, членом которого является.
3/ From the Senate Finance report re: 4/27/15 email from David Keene to Maria Butina stating “glad you can go to CNP!” : https://t.co/CtvmONpEbY pic.twitter.com/Nd1uQptOv0
- Jennifer Cohn ✍🏻 (@jennycohn1) September 27, 2019
В том же году он ездил в Москву.
Сенатский доклад о расследовании NRA: https://www.finance.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/The%20NRA%20%20Russia%20-%20How%20a%20Tax-Exempt%20Organization%20Became%20a%20Foreign%20Asset.pdf
Интересные истории про Кина:
Keene was forced out of his longtime chairmanship at the American Conservative Union (ACU) in February 2011 after the board discovered $400K in donations had been embezzled from the 501(c)(4). The crime was pinned on Keene’s ex-wife, Diana Carr, who was (curiously) working as ACU’s “administrative director” at the time.² She was ultimately sentenced to a year in jail.
Keene escaped criminal liability in the matter, but his political reputation was badly damaged. In an op-ed in Politico, Republican Congressman Andy Barr of Kentucky skewered him, writing, “After leading the ACU for nearly 30 years, Keene exits far below his high point as a Washington power broker - when he was counted as one of the few men with both the ear of Republican presidents and an ability to influence the grassroots.” “Now,” Barr observed, “leading Republican presidential contenders don’t have to answer to him.”
But Keene had an ace in the hole. He had joined the NRA board in 2000 and timed his ascent in the organization’s leadership to coincide with the 2012 election. Less than three months after being kicked out of the ACU, Keene was elected as the new NRA president. The move immediately restored his importance as a power broker in conservative politics.
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