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tijd May 27 2020, 00:36:51 UTC
В тот год на CPAC председательствовал Дэвид Кин. После выступления Бека про «раковую опухоль прогрессивизма» Кин оставил свой автограф у него на доске. До этого ему самому случалось выступать с нападками на Вудро Вильсона, но в более вегетарианских выражениях.

“Historians have always loved Wilson, perhaps because they see him as one of their own: an author, an intellectual and a university president. Harding, on the other hand, was just a regular guy without pretension who tried to do the right thing; not the sort of guy admired by the academic and journalistic elitists who write histories.”

Через год после этого Кин познакомился с Александром Торшиным, а в 2015 привёл Марию Бутину на заседание CNP, членом которого является.

3/ From the Senate Finance report re: 4/27/15 email from David Keene to Maria Butina stating “glad you can go to CNP!” : https://t.co/CtvmONpEbY pic.twitter.com/Nd1uQptOv0
- Jennifer Cohn ✍🏻 (@jennycohn1) September 27, 2019

В том же году он ездил в Москву.

Сенатский доклад о расследовании NRA: https://www.finance.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/The%20NRA%20%20Russia%20-%20How%20a%20Tax-Exempt%20Organization%20Became%20a%20Foreign%20Asset.pdf


tijd May 27 2020, 01:13:33 UTC

Интересные истории про Кина:

Keene was forced out of his longtime chairmanship at the American Conservative Union (ACU) in February 2011 after the board discovered $400K in donations had been embezzled from the 501(c)(4). The crime was pinned on Keene’s ex-wife, Diana Carr, who was (curiously) working as ACU’s “administrative director” at the time.² She was ultimately sentenced to a year in jail.
Keene escaped criminal liability in the matter, but his political reputation was badly damaged. In an op-ed in Politico, Republican Congressman Andy Barr of Kentucky skewered him, writing, “After leading the ACU for nearly 30 years, Keene exits far below his high point as a Washington power broker - when he was counted as one of the few men with both the ear of Republican presidents and an ability to influence the grassroots.” “Now,” Barr observed, “leading Republican presidential contenders don’t have to answer to him.”
But Keene had an ace in the hole. He had joined the NRA board in 2000 and timed his ascent in the organization’s leadership to coincide with the 2012 election. Less than three months after being kicked out of the ACU, Keene was elected as the new NRA president. The move immediately restored his importance as a power broker in conservative politics.


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