Майкл Горовиц, генеральный инспектор Минюста - профессионал безупречной репутации. Это подтверждает опубликованный вчера отчет на 500 страниц о расследовании действий ФБР во время расследования почтового сервера Клинтон. Расследование проводилось с января 2017.
https://www.justice.gov/file/1071991/download Некоторые выводы:
1. Горовиц заключил, что расследование ФБР проводилось по правилам и в соответсвии с законом, включая решение не выдвигать никаких обвинений против Клинтон:
We analyzed the Department’s declination decision according to the same analytical standard that we applied to other decisions made during the investigation. We did not substitute the OIG’s judgment for the judgments made by the Department, but rather sought to determine whether the decision was based on improper considerations, including political bias. We found no evidence that the conclusions by the prosecutors were affected by bias or other improper considerations; rather, we determined that they were based on the prosecutors’ assessment of the facts, the law, and past Department practice.
But my emails.
https://t.co/G7TIWDEG0p- Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton)
June 14, 2018 Вишенкой на торте - сообщение о том, что Коми и другие в нарушение служебных инструкций пользовались личным емайлом
для удобства.
Но крики "lock her up" это вряд ли остановит. Недавно эти крики раздавались на праздновании победы Кори Стюарта, откровенно расистского кандидата, который выиграл номинацию от республиканцев в сенаторы от Виргинии.
Stewart was quick to make clear that he plans to run this race in the manner and style of his political hero, down to his hand gestures. “Virginia can choose to continue with the prosperity and the progress of America under President Trump,” he said, “or it can choose the past, with everything we know that has failed - and that’s Hillary Clinton’s running mate, Tim Kaine.”
Which prompted the crowd to erupt in chants of “Lock her up!” Stewart smiled slyly, then replied: “That might just happen, by the way. And Timmy, too. Oh, we’re gonna have a lot of fun between now and November, folks.”
https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/virginia-voters-go-to-the-polls-to-nominate-rep-comstock-challenger-gop-senate-hopeful/2018/06/11/b7c89e4e-6da4-11e8-bf86-a2351b5ece99_story.html 2. Высказано много претензий к Коми по поводу его волюнтаризма и субординации. Подтверждает выводы Лэнни Дэвиса из книжки
The Unmaking of the President 2016.
В то же время признается, что Коми действовал из лучших побуждений. История его довольно вопиющей субординации в отношении Салли Йейтс и Лоретты Линч подтверждает предположение о
подсознательной мизогинии. Принимая решения, которые в итоге определили судьбу страны, Коми не считал нужным советоваться о них со своими начальницами.
3. Особенно коробит приведенная цитата из письма Коми руководителям разведки. Когда
7 октября 2016 они опубликовали сообщение о российском вмешательстве в выборы, Коми отказался поставить под ним свою подпись и приводил рассуждения для оправдания этого.
This Oct. 5 email from Comey to Brennan and Clapper on publicly acknowledging Russian interference is infuriating.
pic.twitter.com/DFK7iiuZoR- Matthew Miller (@matthewamiller)
June 14, 2018 Коми также проигнорирует обращенные к нему
письма Гарри Рида, лидера демократического меньшинства в Конгрессе, с требованием поделиться с избирателями информацией: "it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government".
4. Об емайлах Клинтон на лаптопе Винера ФБР стало известно в сентябре 2016. Если бы их проверили тогда же, не получилось бы "октябрьского сюрприза".
Однако с проверкой этих емайлов они тянули до конца октября. Частично это было вызвано тем, что те же сотрудники были отвлечены на расследование российского вмешательства.
Strzok and several others from the Midyear investigation were assigned to the Russia investigation, which we were told was extremely active during this September and October time period. Several witnesses, including Priestap, Strzok, and Page, stated that the Russia investigation was a higher priority in October than reviewing the Weiner laptop. Priestap, in particular, provided convincing justifications for the prioritization decisions he made in light of his management responsibilities, including that Comey had tasked him with overseeing the FBI’s multifaceted efforts to protect the 2016 election from foreign interference.
Именно в октябре 2016 был получен первый ордер FISA на прослушку Картера Пейджа.
5. Среди работников контрразведки ФБР были люди с негативным отношение к Трампу и трампизму. Но на их профессиональную деятельность это не повлияло.
The second exchange we identified occurred on November 9, 2016, the day after the presidential election. FBI Attorney 2 and another FBI employee who was not involved in the Midyear investigation exchanged the following instant messages. Note that the sender of the instant message is identified after the timestamp and intervening messages that did not contribute to the understanding of this exchange are not included.
09:38:14, FBI Attorney 2: “I am numb.”
09:55:35, FBI Employee: “I can’t stop crying.”
10:00:13, FBI Attorney 2: “That makes me even more sad.”
10:43:20, FBI Employee: “Like, what happened?”
10:43:37, FBI Employee: “You promised me this wouldn’t happen. YOU PROMISED.”
10:43:43, FBI Employee: Okay, that might have been a lie…”
10:43:46, FBI Employee: “I’m very upset.”
10:43:47, FBI Employee: “haha”
10:51:48, FBI Attorney 2: “I am so stressed about what I could have done differently.”
10:54:29, FBI Employee: “Don’t stress. None of that mattered.”
10:54:31, FBI Employee: “The FBI’s influence.”
10:59:36, FBI Attorney 2: “I don’t know. We broke the momentum.”
11:00:03, FBI Employee: “That is not so.”
11:02:22, FBI Employee: “All the people who were initially voting for her would not, and were not, swayed by any decision the FBI put out. Trump’s supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS that think he will magically grant them jobs for doing nothing. They probably didn’t watch the debates, aren’t fully educated on his policies, and are stupidly wrapped up in his unmerited enthusiasm.”
11:11:43, FBI Attorney 2: “I’m just devastated. I can’t wait until I can leave today and just shut off the world for the next four days.”
11:12:06, FBI Employee: “Why are you devastated?”
11:12:18, FBI Employee: “Yes, I’m not watching tv for four years.”
11:14:16, FBI Attorney 2: “I just can’t imagine the systematic disassembly of the progress we made over the last 8 years. ACA is gone. Who knows if the rhetoric about deporting people, walls, and crap is true. I honestly feel like there is going to be a lot more gun issues, too, the crazies won finally. This is the tea party on steroids. And the GOP is going to be lost, they have to deal with an incumbent in 4 years. We have to fight this again. Also Pence is stupid.”
11:14:58, FBI Employee: “Yes that’s all true.”
11:15:01, FBI Attorney 2: “And it’s just hard not to feel like the FBI caused some of this. It was razor thin in some states.”
11:15:09, FBI Employee: “Yes it was very thin.”
11:15:23, FBI Attorney 2: “Plus, my god damned name is all over the legal documents investigating his staff.”
11:15:24, FBI Employee: “But no I absolutely do not believe the FBI had any part.”
11:15:33, FBI Attorney 2: “So, who knows if that breaks to him what he is going to do.”