Во время республиканского съезда в июле 2016 Пол Манафорт одобрил использование речевки “Lock her up!”, в том числе во время
выступления Майкла Флинна.
Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort defended Republican delegates’ chants of "lock her up" - "her" being former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton - during New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s Wednesday night speech, saying they reflect the attitudes of many Americans.
https://www.prweek.com/article/1402991/trump-campaign-chief-defends-lock-up-convention-chant Вчера карма настигла его. Манафорт отправился на нары для предварительного заключения в ожидании суда. Судья изменила ему меру пресечения, согласившись с
запросом Мюллера.
A federal judge revoked Paul Manafort’s bail and sent him to jail on Friday to await trial, citing new charges that Mr. Manafort had tried to influence the testimony of two government witnesses after he had been granted a temporary release.
Mr. Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman, had posted a $10 million bond and was under house arrest while awaiting his September trial on a host of charges, including money laundering and making false statements.
But Mr. Manafort cannot remain free, even under stricter conditions, in the face of new felony charges that he had engaged in witness tampering while out on bail, said Judge Amy Berman Jackson of United States District Court for the District of Columbia.
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/15/us/politics/manafort-bail-revoked-jail.html Click to view
В старом скетче SNL (ноябрь 2017) Трамп (в исполнении Алека Болдуина) говорит Манафорту: "I have a proposition for you, Paul. All I need from you is to go to prison for a very very long time. And in return, I still get to be president, which I hate, but I'm too proud to quit 'cause that's not fair."
В реальной жизни Трамп говорит про бывшего руководителя своей избирательной кампании: “Manafort has nothing to do with our campaign”. Он также устами Руди Джулиани намекает Манафорту, чтобы тот держал язык за зубами, обещая закончить дело помилованием: “When the whole thing is over, things might get cleaned up with some presidential pardons.”
http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/06/giuliani-trump-might-clean-up-mueller-probe-with-pardons.html В тюрьме, однако, давление на Манафорта, чтобы тот раскололся и пошёл на сотрудничество со следствием, только усилится.
Другая «канарейка», готовая запеть - Майкл Коэн.
President Donald Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen has indicated to family and friends he is willing to cooperate with federal investigators to alleviate the pressure on himself and his family, according to a source familiar with the matter.
Cohen has expressed anger with the treatment he has gotten from the President, who has minimized his relationship with Cohen, and comments from the President's lawyer Rudy Giuliani, the source said. The treatment has left him feeling isolated and more open to cooperating, the source said.
https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/15/politics/michael-cohen-cooperation-federal-investigators/index.html Длинную и непростую историю отношений Коэна и Трампа описывает Wall Street Journal:
Donald Trump summoned senior aides to his 26th floor office at Trump Tower around 2009 for an unpleasant task: persuade Michael Cohen -a top lawyer at his company-to resign, according to one of the aides.
Mr. Trump’s frustration had reached a breaking point, the aide said. Mr. Cohen wasn’t getting things done and Mr. Trump didn’t believe he was a good fit at the Trump Organization, even though he liked him and didn’t want to fire him. “What’s he doing here?” Mr. Trump demanded.
The message was relayed to Mr. Cohen. Visibly upset, Mr. Cohen pushed back. “I will try to prove myself,” Mr. Cohen replied, a person familiar with the matter said.
https://www.wsj.com/articles/whats-he-doing-here-inside-trumps-turbulent-relationship-with-michael-cohen-1529061564 See below - just filed in the search warrant case. The second and third bullets could pose a huge problem for Mr. Cohen and ultimately Mr. Trump (especially the third bullet)!!BTW, so much for encryption protection!
#Basta pic.twitter.com/RwdYjLAEp2- Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti)
June 15, 2018 Стало известно, что следователи изъяли большое количество сообщений Коэна, включая зашифрованные (encrypted), а также смогли восстановить документы, которые Коэн перед обыском пытался уничтожить в шреддере.
Federal prosecutors may soon get to review material that Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former lawyer, tried to ensure no one would ever see.
Investigators have restored 16 pages of documents found in Cohen’s shredder and recovered 731 pages of messages sent on encrypted platforms, including WhatsApp and Signal. The material is the most recent to be produced to Cohen’s legal team out of more than 3.7 million items seized in an FBI search of his home, hotel room and office in April.
The disclosures came in a letter filed by government lawyers in Manhattan federal court Friday.
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-06-15/prosecutors-reconstruct-shredded-cohen-documents-get-16-pages Такое впечатление, что, даже при его согласии на сотрудничество, за Коэном накопилось слишком много всего, чтобы ему могли существенно скостить наказание.