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Comments 8

andreybar June 15 2018, 19:46:05 UTC
В общем еще долго учится и разбираться и лечиться всей нацией придется, когда эту гадость затолкаю в ту дыру из которой она вылезла.


tijd June 15 2018, 21:01:52 UTC
Проверка институтов на прочность. Минюст пока держится.

Коми обосновывал свои решение тем, что боялся нанести урон репутации ФБР среди американцев. В результате привел к власти президента, который активно занимается подрывом репутации ФБР https://puppet-djt.livejournal.com/100818.html

... )


tijd June 15 2018, 21:32:07 UTC
Дополнительные детали из отчета про то, как внимание сотрудников ФБР в октябре 2016 было приключено к российскому расследованию.

Strzok also cited his assignment to the Russia investigation as an explanation for why the Weiner laptop was not seen as his top priority. He stated ( ... )


tijd June 16 2018, 02:11:13 UTC
Джош Маршалл указывает на дыру в докладе - расследование утечек из нью-йорксого отдела ФБР, в том числе с участием Руди Джулиани, и политической ангажированности работников этого отдела.

Last night on Fox News Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) said that in late September 2016 “good FBI agents” from the New York field office told him and members of the House Intelligence Committee (HPSCI) that they’d found new Clinton emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. Nunes presented these agents as “whistleblowers” and that can be the case when government employees believe they’ve uncovered wrong-doing. But the timing suggests they more or less immediately went to congressional Republicans, about six weeks before the election. The emails were discovered on September 26th. They were talking Nunes in “late September.” That means they had to be “whistleblowing” in four days or less. That sounds more like politicized leaking of details of an on-going investigation than anything that could pass as whistle-blowing. If the “good FBI agents” went to Nunes and other ( ... )


tijd June 16 2018, 20:49:30 UTC
В докладе приводятся показания бывшего генпрокурора Линч о разговоре с Коми про утечки из Нью-Йорка:

"And then I said, now, we’ve got to talk about the New York office in general. And he said yes. And I said we both work with them. We both know them. We both, you know, think highly of them. I said, but this has become a problem. And he said, and he said to me that it had become clear to him, he didn’t say over the course of what investigation or whatever, he said it’s clear to me that there is a cadre of senior people in New York who have a deep and visceral hatred of Secretary Clinton. And he said it is, it is deep. It’s, and he said, he said it was surprising to him or stunning to him. You know, I didn’t get the impression he was agreeing with it at all, by the way. But he was saying it did exist, and it was hard to manage because these were agents that were very, very senior, or had even had timed out and were staying on, and therefore did not really feel under pressure from headquarters or anything to that effect. And I said, you ( ... )


tijd June 18 2018, 21:41:02 UTC
Еще одно занимательное место:

Baker told the OIG that “there were multiple audiences” for the criticism of former Secretary Clinton in Comey’s statement. He recounted hearing that FBI employees not involved in the Midyear investigation hated former Secretary Clinton and had made comments such as, “[Y]ou guys are finally going to get that bitch,” and, “[W]e’re rooting for you.” Baker stated, “And if we’re not going to get her on these facts and circumstances, then we’d better explain that now.” Related to this idea, notes taken by Strzok at a May 12, 2016 meeting involving the Midyear team state, “Messaging thoughts: Workforce Qs: (1) If I did this, I’d be prosecuted; (2) Petraeus, Berger, etc. were charged; (3) Overwhelming conservative outlook.”

Это показывает, что Коми взялся критиковать Клинтон в частности для того, чтобы угодить ожиданиям определенной когорты сотрудников ФБР.


tijd June 16 2018, 11:53:42 UTC

Reading IG report, it's worth remembering Trump's campaign was THRILLED w/ @Comey's actions at the time. Bannon even stopped talking to the press: "Don't want to step on Comey's lines" (https://t.co/yVU06qgtAV) pic.twitter.com/i6K8EH5J7V
- Joshua Green (@JoshuaGreen) June 14, 2018

Бэннон был прав. Анализ показывает, что непосредственно перед выборами обсуждение "письма Коми" в СМИ забило собой все другие темы.

... )


tijd June 19 2018, 22:55:59 UTC
Эмоциональное выступление конгрессмена Каммингса:

When we look back to the presidential campaign in 2016, there is one extremely troubling image we all remember very well. That is the image of Donald Trump and other Republicans chanting “lock her up, lock her up, lock her up.” They were talking about Hillary Clinton using personal email, and they demanded over and over again that she be jailed ( ... )


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