May 31, 2005 21:47
Just when I think I'm over my days of sex, drugs, and rock and roll, memorial weekend happens. Wedsnesday and Thursday, i spent the night with the boy, and let me just say, finally..., thats it i need not say more. It was a very nice thing and too bad we can't have more time like that together. Saturday i quit my job at the bar and ive never felt more liberated. It was great, im so glad i left that place, i will only miss a few of the customers and bartenders but ill stay in touch with the people i want to. I did work all weekend at my new job which sucks major cock. Cant stand it or most of the people there, way to corporate minded for me, but it pays the bills and i guess ill have to live with it for a while at least. Sunday got loaded at Sebastians, definitly not one of my better ideas but i had alot of fun. Still no luck on the apartment front but i need to find one soon because for as much as i love my parents i cant wait to get out of here and have a place to myself, so if anyone wants to move out with me feel free to drop me a line. Feeling a little downhearted today, i want soemthing i just dont know what. I realized how few real friends i had today when i was trying to figure out who to call but didnt really want to see anyone. Which reminds me, Kristina i really miss lunch together and being able to talk to you about anything, we need to get together badly, we have to start making a time once or twice a week when we get together.
I think its time for a change of scene, keep around the old friends but find something to do to meet new people, im open to any ideas, always free to go out at night so call. Feeling stuck in a general life rut right now, want to do everything and nothing, want to meet new people but not loose the old ones, want a new job cant find one, want to travel but no one else can afford it. I need to pull myself out soon before i go insane.