So I had a dream that I was already on my birthday vacation. It was Hawaii. Which was awesome. Parts of the dream were kinda weird, but I was damn excited. And all we had to do was drive over a bridge about the length of the 520 one to get there. Hahahahah
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So I was telling my mom just how cute Mia is (Tim and Ligia's baby) since she saw her the other night. And she agreed, but insisted that I was cute as a baby too. Of all pictures, she chose this one to prove it.
So I emailed Westclox cause I had a random idea for an alarm clock, and the guy actually emailed me back. So I sent him a drawing. Too much time on my hands.
I just got home from the gym (that I joined a couple weeks ago) and I feel gooood. I also just got out of the shower (that I took so I wasn't sweaty). I am working on the bod for....
I also shattered one of Matthew's plates when it fell off the counter as I was doing dishes. I picked up all the pieces and vacuumed and realized my thumb inside my dish glove felt wet. It was covered in blood from a poke I thought was nothing. :(
So I got a credit card. Dangerous! Just kidding, I'm not dumb. But it's nice to have in case I need it. And by need it, I mean there was a serious bra sale and I had to buy a bunch. Shove it!