Feb 05, 2009 10:04
my lovely E-machine desktop computer of 3 years ... was in dire need of much anticipated updated ram. 512MB was the standard amount that came with the computer (when i bought it 3 years ago) when in actuality.. only 384MB was being used for 3 years. i caved in and very proudly i might add, i installed 2 GB (only $35.18 from newegg.com) worth of ram by myself into my computer yesterday morning.
i'm a dork. i didn't install the 2nd ram stick in correctly because when i booted up my computer and checked the amount to see how much was actually running ... it still said "384 MB." i re-opened my computer case this morning to find the problem. the 2nd stick was in correctly but the notch handles to hold the stick in place.. one of them was not secured in all the way. that was the problem. i fixed it, plugged in all the cables, turned the power strip back on, turned on the computer and waited in suspense to see how the computer would run.
much FASTER is the word i'm looking for. yeah.. now i have "896 MB" of ram used.. when i have 2GB installed. i guess the computer eats up some of the memory. oh well. i can't complain. i now have more speed to run porgrams more smoother. including the computer games (Maplestory and WOW) that i can't wait to play ... when i'm not busy with school work or tired from coming home from work.
in other news:
i filed taxes for the first time! taxslayer.com. you only have to pay $9.95 instead of turbotax or e-file which costs a little more. i never realized how easy it is to input the information from the W-2 forms (from work) into the required boxes. i supposedly get back $712.00 back. WOW. i will use most of that money to pay off one of my personal loans.
v-day is going to be the holiday i hate this year. its bad enough that i get couples ordering their drinks at work.. but come v-day (which i have to work) is gonna be hell. lovey-dovey couples and "i love you" and flowers and cupcakes and etc... hmph! now.. if i had someone to share that day with.. than i wouldn't hate the holiday. but since i dont, i hate it.