oh.. i hope this really works! i just purchased this
www.capresso.com/water-kettle-frother-frothxpress.shtml#features yesterday and all it does is steam milk. i hate the taste of espresso so i wanted a machine that would just steam milk. if by some strange fucked up part of the a machine does not work, its going back and i'm getting a refund asap!
now.. i can make my own drinks without the taste of espresso at home... provided i need to get some sort of syrup flavor to add to the milk otherwise its just steamed milk. i did purchase this:
so it should help..i hope. 4 sample flavors: chocolate raspberry, orange valcentio, vanilla cream and lemon drop.its supposed to be healthier than actual syrup flavors from starbucks or any other sugar syrup flavor. we'll see how it goes.