Honesty Is Honestly The Hardest Thing - 22/29

Jan 26, 2010 17:06

Title: Honesty Is Honestly The Hardest Thing
Pairing: Gen....almost definitely going to stay gen...I'll let you know otherwise.
Rating: R
Disclaimer: This exists in the same land as the Clangers. Only difference is I wish they were real whereas this....definitely do not wish it was real.
Warning: Violence, swearing, homophobia, and just nastiness.

Summery: One event can change the life of everyone involved. It's an idea that everyone knows but it's not something anyone actually understands until it happens to them.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11 , Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21

Monday 10:45pm

Adam sat watching Cassidy from across the table as his friend tried not to stare at Mr Cute Eyes and Ass as he headed to the bar to buy drinks.

“You’re making googly eyes.”

Cassidy jumped at his voice and Adam giggled. A slightly blush spread across Cassidy’s cheeks. Adam saw him roll his eyes but the smile still splitting his face ruined the effect.

“You have to admit he’s cute.”
“Not my type.”
“And thank god for that, but on a purely aesthetic level...”
“On a purely aesthetic level I can see that he’s attractive yes. However, as you’ve been calling me Glitter Boy for the past hour I’m not quite ready to admit that you’re right this time.”
“I told you I couldn’t call you Adam! I don’t know him well enough to nickname him.”
“He could have been Adam Two. It would be like Audrey Two only without him being a man eating plant.”
“You can take the boy out of the theatre but...”
“Oooo, maybe I’ll have a man eating plant theme on my next tour; exotic and deadly. Nothing big, just part of the set or something. It’ll be subtle.”
“Remind me to show you the dictionary definition of that word one day because I’m pretty sure that you’re misunderstanding it.”
“What? It’s not like I’ll be dressed as a man eating plant, that would be weird.”

Adam starting thinking about the set possibilities for his next tour. Not that he was anywhere near touring with new material yet. He still had to finish his never ending ‘For Your Entertainment’ tour. Maybe he could add the plants into that? Although the whole futuristic club theme of this one might make that a little hard.

A foot kicking his shin pulled him back into the room.

“You can’t help yourself can you. It’s all work work work these days.”

Despite his words Cassidy was smiling at Adam who was now taking his turn to blush.

“Sorry, I’m sorry, I’m listening.”
“I was just asking what you thought of Adam Two?”

He smiled at his friend’s use of the silly name. He glanced around quickly to make sure that Adam Two was still at the bar before he spoke.

“Well he’s cute as you so rightly pointed out. And he seems nice enough, not too star struck so that’s a plus in my book. Although you are a cruel man Cassidy Haley for not telling him who you were going out with tonight. He looked a little surprised.”
“So you wanted me to broadcast where you were going to be to someone I don’t really know?”
“Okay, you have a point there and I definitely owe you for thinking of that. I keep forgetting.”
“I’d noticed.”
“But, and remember he’s definitely on his best behaviour at the moment, he seems like a nice guy.”
“He does doesn’t he. I just, I really like him you know? I’ve only known him for a really short while but I get a good vibe off of him.”

Adam smiled at his friend.

“He does have good energy. I’m really happy for you Cass.”

Adam took Cassidy’s hand in his own and gave it a gentle squeeze. He pulled his hand away and lent back into the booth and the shadows. No one in the bar seemed to care, or notice, who he was but he didn’t want to take the risk. He’d had a really good night and didn’t want it ruined by some of his more stalkerish fans showing up. He loved his fans but there were times when you needed space for yourself.

“Talking of, how’s the hunt going?”
“I’m not hunting, you know this.”
“I know, but I also know you and know that no amount of random hook-ups are going to be enough for you.”
“I’m just too busy at the moment.”
“Which I understand I do. But last time you slutted yourself around there weren’t hundreds of cameras judging your every move and you still regretted it afterwards. I’m just saying, we’re not always around to pick you back up like we used to be so just take care of yourself okay.”
“Yes Mom.”
“Mock me all you like but you know that I speak the truth.”

Adam really did appreciate the concern. He often worried that his friends felt neglected in his new life so it was nice to know that if they did, they didn’t appear to hold any resentment over it. However Adam could feel a yawn building in him. Between the alcohol they’d drunk over the past few hours and the relentless pace of his life he now found himself thinking wistfully of his bed.

“I promise I’m taking care of myself. In fact, I’m taking care of myself so well that I really should be off.”
“So soon?”
“I can’t believe I’m going to say this but I am so tired. Seriously, I’ve been looking forward to this night off since I found out about it last week. And now it’s here I kinda just want to sleep. Oh my God, I’ve become boring!”
“You are many things Adam, boring is not one of them. However tired I’ll believe.”
“You gonna be okay here by yourself? You want me to stick around a bit more?”

The sweet smile Cassidy sent his way was almost enough to make Adam wonder why they had never tried the dating thing.

“And you called me Mom! I love you for being concerned but I’ll be fine. Plus, we both got good vibes from him so....and Lady D’s on the door tonight and she loves me ever since I helped her out with the consuming for her review last year. If he tried anything she’d be in there like a shot.”
“And who wants to take on a 6ft 5 ex-footballer drag queen!”

Adam had missed this and wished he could keep going for longer but he really was tired. He yawned again.

“I love my job but I wish it included more sleep!”
“You’re getting old my friend.”
“Maybe I should start thinking about Botox.”
“I swear Adam, if you ever inject that shit into your face I will disown you!”
“A little drastic there Cass.”
“I’m not kidding Adam.”
“I know I know. Kris would support you as well.”
“Knew there was a reason I liked him.”

Adam picked up his jacket from the booth and slid it on. He took his phone out of the pocket, checked it, and then slid it into his jean pocket.

“Well I’d better stop Twoey before he buys me a drink.”
“You calling a car?”
“Nah, I’ll get a cab.”
“Well take care. And call me tomorrow morning.”

Adam lent over the table and pulled Cassidy into a quick hug.

“Will do.”

They moved apart and Cassidy looked towards the bar.

“Better make that afternoon.”

Adam laughed as he waved goodbye. He walked over to the bar and tapped Adam Two on the shoulder.

“Hey man, I’m off.”
“Work tomorrow, gotta be at least partially conscious for it.”

Adam smiled at the other man and received a slightly nervous one in return. He reached out his hand and Adam Two took it.

“It was nice to meet you man.”
“Yeah, you too.”

Adam sent a final smile in Cassidy’s direction and headed out of the bar. He smiled at Lady D as he left the club.

“You need me to call you a taxi baby?”

Adam turned to face her.

“Nah, there’s a bunch of cabs next to the bar down the road. I’ll just walk to them, it’s a nice night.”
“Enjoy your stroll Adam.”
“Will do.”

Adam smiled at her as she turned around and took up her conversation with the people standing outside the bar smoking.

Adam placed his hands in his pockets and started the two block walk. He had only got to the end of the building when suddenly he was grabbed and pulled into the alleyway next to the bar. A gloved hand covered his mouth and the sound of his scream was lost.

Part 23


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