I just can't shake the feeling of loss that came with finishing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
On general terms, I was content with the book, the plot, and the climax. It was definitely not my favourite Harry Potter of the 7, but I enjoyed reading it.
Too many deaths, though. Far, far too many deaths.
A handful of characters that I cherished
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Still,on the subject of denial, there was no PROOF that Beckett really died anyway, so we are *allowed* to deny it, right? Mostly because it didn't happen... (has 'Misery' style Kathy Bates moment)
; )
I choose to believe that Beckett is alive too (although, in my PMSy moments, I admit that I tend to sit and sob over the fact that he couldn't possibly have survived being consumed in a fireball and catapulted from an exploding ship). But that only happens once a month so I don't have to think about it too often...
No one wants their chosen beloved characters to die. So, in the case of Cutler Beckett, and of Fred Weasley, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Albus Dumbledore, Cedric Diggory and all other parties generally referred to as "the deceased", I choose to scream from the treetops....
DENIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0:)
And I know this is going to sound horrible... I know that Harry naming his children Albus Severus, James, and Lily was supposed to be touching and heart-warming.... but it just made me feel, well.. weird. It was almost a touch creepy. I can't explain why. It just didn't sit right with me. The whole scene was a bit confusing on first-read, with all the new names and faces. I DID however, laugh at Harry telling Albus to give Professor Neville "love". I thought that was cute.
I'm in shock about Lupin and Fred, two of my favourites. Lupin was hands-down my favourite Hogwarts teacher, and I loved the Weasley twins. LOVED them. What purpose was served in killing off these characters?! They took a little piece of me with them when they went. Is there something here I'm missing? Is there something integral to the plot that required them to die? Now George has to run Weasley's Wizard Wheezes by himself, and Harry has not ONE living soul left who was tied to his parents. That last connection burnt out with ( ... )
It's like JKR was just in a hurry to finish it off.
----> Hedwig!!! WHY????
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