Hello Public Health people-
I've posted here before, I was one of the hordes of people asking questions about applying to MPH programs. I work in community health promotion for older adults, and wanted to pursue Public Health with a focus on community health/gerontology.
The exciting news is that I got into my desired program- UIC. Further, I was looking for an assistantship at the school- something to give me more career experience and also pay my tuition. I have accepted a part-time position with
National Center on Physical Activity and Disability (NCPAD), working mostly on the
Inclusive Fitness Coalition. It is my hope that this will continue into next year and be a part of my graduate education in Public Health at UIC!
When I began working at my current job over two years ago, I was simultaneously developing a love affair with fitness and exercise in my own personal life. I thought, this is so fantastic, everyone should get to do it! So I was thrilled to work for an organization that promoted exercise for older adults. And now, I have the opportunity to advocate for more exercise resources for a different group of people who have limited access: people with physical disabilities/physical limitations.
the NCPAD contributed to the Health and Human Services "Active Your Way" blog. In this blog post, NCPAD discusses the importance of personal trainers to work with people with physical limitations, and puts out a call for fitness centers to have adequate facilities to accomodate ALL people.
Check out the piece, and feel free to comment over there if you'd like to contribute to the conversation!