Again, its been a while. Life has been a blur of work, kids, work, school, kids, work, work, house. Oh, and throw in a few sicks and a funeral. (Hey, only 26 hours in the hospital for IV meds and no oxygen this time
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I sit in shock. Today is December 13th. Monday was December 10th, and I forgot. I went about the Sunday before in a holiday-check-list stupor of tired exhaustion; having slept over a friend's house with the two Flowers in one bed, I was a little sleep deprived at the tree farm. Plus, trying to get tests graded (a task eventually abandoned to the
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I won't go into the child traumas right now- it's late, I have work tomorrow, and I am exhausted- but I remembered very late that I had to write up a biography of Star for a school fundraiser that some of her photos were donated to. (I know I shouldn't end on a preposition, but I DID say I was tired.) It was difficult- painful- and I'm not sure how
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Man, tonight was a wringer. I'm tired as crap, still have work to do for school, spent an hour plus sorting and gathering dirty laundry....then the Elder Flower want Daddy to play a game with her, and me to read her two books. She picked a Barbie book- yuk, stupid, at least it was short- and A Bad Case Of Stripes by David Shannon. The main
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Okay, it's Halloween. I was so pumped, really, even though Wonder Woman would be missing silver stars on her skirt and gold striped on her boots. I was ready to go do it up, even though I am exhausted and had to have blood tests done today and am ignoring mountains of items to grade for report cards next week....
And then just gave up, so easily.
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Since I'm not sure, under the crushing weight of the ungraded first AND second quizzes of the year, as well as painfully boring Back-To-School Night this week, when I might get the chance to update livejournal, and I want this out these before October starts....let me just take care of some things quick.
Fan fiction fans- don't be mad. Don't be
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I recently got back in touch with a friend from high school, and we were talking about Star, and she has a picture of all of us in front of our high school in our every day glam-rock fashion (special occasions were much flashier) on her LJ, so I thought I'd link it. I'm the blond. And I don't remember the guy's last name, but his first name is
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Yeah! My tattoo is finished! I now sport quite the art gallery (#1, #2, #3, and #4), with another in the works.
It's taken me months to get the design right and the time to do it, but I have my Star tattoo. It is a combination of Star's two tattoos- a star kanji and a quill and ink well. The ink well is colored blue, which is a color that I will
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I am having tattoo frustration again. Was late getting to the tat parlor and missed my guy. Then, the changes I want to my original design were sorta shot down as not a got idea, and after the disaster on my right shoulder (looked good for maybe five years before it started to resemble some of my great Uncle Pat's WWII Navy tattoos) I tend to
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It's been a bit since I've posted. RL sort of drew me in and tied me up. It's been a vacation week at my house- the hubby at home with us- and I've been greatly enjoying it. Just sitting outside as a family, playing in our tiny little row-house pool, was such fun. I managed to get a decent tan and not burn, and it's been years since I've done that
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