the death of wonder woman

Oct 31, 2007 21:03

Okay, it's Halloween. I was so pumped, really, even though Wonder Woman would be missing silver stars on her skirt and gold striped on her boots. I was ready to go do it up, even though I am exhausted and had to have blood tests done today and am ignoring mountains of items to grade for report cards next week....

And then just gave up, so easily. Halloween just doesn't quite seem like Halloween this year. Not that I didn't do anything for it, not that I was depriving my private little Justice League of any Halloween event. It just felt off. I've had the pieces of my costume for ages (I bought parts of it pre-Younger Flower and had to post pone when I found myself pregnant and too fat to fit into my boots or a corset.) Yet, I waited until the last minute to finish the details, so the details remain undone. I dressed up for school, and WW wouldn't be appropriate to wear there, so I pulled out an older costume (cobbled together from disparate pieces of my real wardrobe) of Punk Rock Girl. That got a lot of comment from the students, but much less than if I had worn Wonder Woman '07. So, when my Younger Flower, who was my matching Little Wonder Woman, decided to be a cranky cuss, refuse to wear her costume, and needed to be put to bed before trick-or-treating even got started, well- it was so much easier to leave on Punk Rock Girl and promise myself that my now $200 plus incredible, unfinished costume would just be worn next year. (BTW- Elder Flower lasted less than two blocks before she decided that her candy bag was too heavy for her and wanted to go home.)

So- I recycled a costume, which I have not done in several years, unless it was to keep it appropriate for school; in that case, there was always a different one for home. But not tonight. Flipping about internet sites, checking out Sarcasmom's Wednesday's Off and finding Sarcas-sis's blog, then bringing myself to look at the posthumous reposting on Sarcasmo's Corner, I realized- Star isn't here. Halloween was bigger for than Christmas. Aside from other personal issues that have dimmed the season, this is a big one for not felling Halloween-y, me thinks.

I bet Star would have loved our costumes this year. She really liked our family-themed Peter Pan last year, which was all by Elder's personal design. (One of the reasons I was happy to choose my own costume this year. I didn't really like being a female Mr. Smee.)

I also had some doctor's visits/showdowns. I have gall stones- I was horrendously ill for a month, throwing up, unable to eat, etc. I was swtiched off long-temr meds that can cause ulcers, because my primary thought that it was ulcers. I refuse to just have surgery without being tested for ulcers, because I have so much going on with my various and sundry immune disorders. If surgery is not definitely going to help, why bother? I want to try alternatives. Same with my other conditions, like herbal supplements, reiki massage,  and accu-puncture. So my doc sent me for a bunch of blood tests today, to see if it IS gall stones, told me to schedule an endoscopy, and added mroe supplements to the list I began taking on my own. I now take a record (between  meds and supplements) 21 pills a day; 11 meds, total. So I am tired of being handed drugs byt he medical establishment, which tends to cause more problems (like my 145 plus blood pressure, when I've always been on the low end of normal) then solves.I had to go to get the blood work today, but man, being stuck for five large vials of blood didn't help my holiday mood at all.

health, nostalgia, halloween, star, kids

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