Sep 02, 2005 21:53
This is just a poem i decided to write because i felt like it, it kinda describes my mood at the moment too
Longing to be happy
When one day everything is right
No sadness left in my life
One day this will be true
One day I will be happy
Longing to be happy
When i don't cry my self to sleep any more
when i can smile a real smile
And scream to the top of the world I'm Happy!
One Day i will be happy
Longing to be happy
Why can't it be now
Why must life deal me these blows
These blows that leave me hurt and depressed
One Day i will be Happy
Longing to be happy
When i will feel wanted
When the world is no longer against me
When i have something to really smile about
One day i will be happy
Longing to be happy
When i no longer have to hide behind false smiles
When the sun shines everyday
Why must i be depressed
One day i will be happy