Hope so - for the sake of the couple whose wedding I'm going to tonight up in New Hampshire. Outdoor wedding, too - with a tent, but still - highs in the 50s and drizzle? Ugh.
Today is Family Day at Tyler's school. I'm driving there alone this morning to spend a couple of hours with him before coming back and driving up north - even though I think he couldn't care less about the whole thing, and honestly everything really starts around lunchtime. But we went to Kelsey's last year, probably will this year if she's not working (although really? Salem in October on a weekend? SURE, there won't be traffic...) - and I don't want him to feel like he is any less important. He's found his niche I think, with a group of kids that are on the same campus as him - last night on the phone making arrangements, and I heard them all in the background giving him crap for being on the phone cause they were hungry. He's NEVER on Skype anymore (he was on it practically every waking hour at home with his friends from high school). I think he's good. He comes home for a 4 day weekend next week.
Kelsey has to come home to watch the dogs tonight, and is bringing some friends to sleep over too, which is nice. I've been crating the dogs while I'm at work, and suddenly Buddy is having anxiety issues - he's chewed at one paw till it's bald and raw. We cleaned it up and put gauze around it and he's being SO good at not chewing at the gauze - hopefully he will be good when he's alone this morning as I go to Worcester.
ROUGH week at work. Like crazy rough. Spent a lot of energy keeping my team up and trying to dissipate the stress - to the point my IBS kicked in VERY LOUDLY, even though I don't FEEL stressed. Still - noisy tummy is easy to deal with, and knock on wood, no fibro flare yet. =)