(no subject)

Mar 14, 2012 17:10

So what if people might not frequent here anymore? I'm still writing, dang it!

Title: Somewhat Right
Author: Me!
Word count: No...freakin'...idea...
Characters: D and Leon, I love writing them!
Warnings: Mentions of deaths, etc.
Rating: PG-13= Hide yo' children, hide yo' wives
Notes: No challenge. Purely for writing practice but takes inspiration from random songs. Mainly playing with the theme: "Half"


"That's that then. I suppose you were half right."

D blinks at the other, his jewel eyes pointed. A black curve raises over one eye while his lips tighten into a mean semi-smirk. "Half right? I seem to recall you saying this was an either side case. How was I, as you say my Dear Detective...half right?"

Leon's face immediately sinks into a dark glower, his eyes narrowing at the other. "Oh come off it. You don't have to ask that, you already know what I mean." In reply to D's silent stare, Leon sighs. "Alright, so maybe you don't. I had meant about the nature of the deaths we discussed. Do you remember?" D nods, though it's slow and seemingly..unsure? No, not unsure, but it certainly looks like he is trying to recall the event in question.

"Ah yes. We had an argument about it, did we not? Let's see, Last Tuesday you were asking about one of the murder victims, Mr. McConnery, and his purchase of his African Gray parrot Gummy, am I right? Yes, that's right, and you accused me of selling him something other than a normal parrot, which mind you, is all I did-"

"Uh, D? Skip the non-essential, so we can get to the point?"

D sniffs. "Oh very well, I'll serve to your impatience this one time. Now where was I? Oh yes, you told me of how Mr. McConnery had died along with his mistress, Elizabeth Simmons? Yes, what very strange deaths you described! Oh, but you accused poor Gummy of somehow committing the crime, and thus implicated me to be an accomplice-"

Leon huffs. "D! Get to the point!"

D spares a roll of the eyes to his guest. "Very well. Murder or suicide is what we were arguing, correct? There you have it." A slight sparkle appears in the violet eye of D's, though it is hard to see if it is of glee or harmless curiosity. Which was it, my Dear Detective? A grisly double-murder that ended with a man's head split open from his fall? Or a suicide of a man and woman, the latter of whom hung from where she was in front of the victim? I believe I said it was suicide. And? How am I half right in this case?"

Leon stares at D, hard, for several seconds before he sighs. It sound long and shaken, as if he was still in trauma from the scene he had seen. Which, to some, might not be impossible to believe he was still in some state of shock. "It was neither." he replies after a silence, missing the slightly taken aback look upon D's face. "And yet, both ideas are true. Ms. Simmons had problems, that much is correct, but when she decided to deal with them permanently-" The motion he made with with his thumb over his neck was enough to convey the rest of the thought.

D sits for a moment, thinking. "So then, Ms. Simmons is both the killer and the victim?"

Leon grimaces. "Not quite." As this is said, he pulls out something from behind him, out of a paper brown bag. It is a high-heeled shoe, pink, with the heel much ruined with white scuffs. Len holds it out for D to examine, who looks back to Leon inquisitively. There is only one answer here.

"Seems Ms. Simmons didn't intend for Mr. McConnery to be back to their shared apartment so soon, right when she was about to kick the chair from out under herself. And what with Mr. McConnery being so concerned, rushed forward to stop her, only to be pushed back by her, accidentally falling and-"

"Cracking his head against the low coffee table, it was? Such a way to die." D moves the shoe around in his hands, seemingly fascinated by it. "Ah, so then, Ms. Simmons? If this is a half-way case like you say, then she wasn't murdered or suicidal, she..."

"Slipped." Leon finishes, letting the pronunciation slide off his tongue as it's meant to.

They both sit for awhile, seemingly confounded by the revelation. D blinks for a few moments more, before a rather unrestrained look of bemused wonder settles upon his countenance.

"Well!" says he. "Half right, indeed!!"

A/N: I liked writing this, since it was a nice change of pace to write the favored duo discussing a case like this. In my other drabble "Gift", D was rather straightforward in his guess that the woman murdered her family and committed suicide. In this one, since the theme was "Half", I made it so that neither one had an idea as to what truly happened. That's what happens in real crime scenes; even the most open and shut have some run around to them.

I wrote this in a specific way that neither one really finishes his own thought so it keeps to the "half" theme, as in "half finished", only for the other to come up and provide the next clue in another half-way kind of way. I thought ti worked well.

This didn't have one primary source of inspiration in a song, however, the concept of the crime is based off something that I heard of once. If only I could place where...

More to come later!
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