(no subject)

Jan 19, 2012 15:16

Do people still frequent here?

Title: A Complex Network of Things
Author: Me!
Word count: No idea. I'm guessing between a 500-600 count? Is that bad?
Characters: D, Leon, Taizu. slight mentions of Leon/D and Taizu/D
Warnings: Leon's in here, as well as Taizu. Sue me. Oh, and angst on D's part.
Rating: PG..13 ish?
Notes: For the long-forgotten challenge #333 MAZE. I've been on a rampage with different types of songs that have urged to be written into drabbles. This was no different. Check the end notes to see which songs were inspirational.

Walls made of Pride, I paved my Castle. Floors bathed in Sorrow, I made my defenses out of Secrets. And the small door nobody could enter I locked with every black thing I knew; my Complex Network of Things should've protected me from you.
And yet, he realizes with a withheld gasp of fright someone is lurking in the private gardens of his heart. A hand unexpectedly closes around his when they are having tea, squeezing lightly...comfortingly.

"It must be lonely..." Leon muses, his eyes downcast to their touching hands. "How long have you been lonely?" 'How much have you longed for company' is his unspoken question.

But D neither heeds nor answers it, as within minutes he has started another fight with the blonde, which escalates into a full blown shouting match. It's not as if his dear detective has frightened him with his startling observation, of course not..but D knew it was better for the detective to stay out of his castle and gardens.

His Complex Network of Things just wouldn't let him open the doors.

I stare out at the adoring crowds; you're not one of them, but I can still see you standing outside my fortress, gazing up at me. You are the one who sneaks past the barricades, weasels through the barred fence surrounding my heart. You may trespass here, but I won't ever invite you in. I don't want your pity, so I'll gnaw, grumble, bite and scream if it keeps you away. I hate being hurt, I hate not being understood. I can't let anyone in my Castle; my Complex Network of Things just won't allow it.

But again he fails to prevent another trespasser. This hand is much lighter than the other one's, even if it is not anywhere near his perfect white skin. Though the hand is less calloused (not like his), softer and fine (not like his), at least there is a similar feeling. A light squeeze, so comforting...

"You're very cold." Taizu says, not turning his gaze away from their touching hands over the teapot. Deja vu doesn't have a chance to hit D, as the other quickly concludes his observation: "It's saddening, even to me. Why are you so lonely?" Don't you want someone to hold and be held by, is his unspoken question.

This time, D doesn't shout, but his curt words are enough to send the other storming out the door. When the last of Taizu's presence is gone, D sinks to his knees, a sob wanting to tear itself from his throat.

His network could not let him cry.
I was keeping a secret. I hated loss. When I realized your fading presence, the warmth that once filled my Castle's halls diminishing, I realized only too late what you had done. My barricades fell, my defenses reduced to ashes. All that was left to me was my fear and pain.

My Complex Network of Things was a failure; love had torn it asunder.

Now all these years later, he wonders if it would have made a difference to have accepted what was offered to him. His body undying, the skeletons that laid in his arms would soon be only dust, easily blown away in the wind. Would love have kept them alive? Would company have eased his aching heart? He doesn't know.

For now he'll keep spinning tears for the thousand years to come, until he might meet them again. Perhaps then, he might be willing to open his Castle's door.


Wow, this was long. Kinda. Okay, maybe NOT very long, but a longer kind of drabble than I'm used to. Anyway, this drabble was partly written as a friend's request for some sad stuff in PSoH concerning D. Hatsune Miku's "The Beast" was the main song inspiration for this and many references to the song can be spotted if one looks carefully.

I had too much fin writing this. Oh god, I think something is wrong with me.
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