Freakin' Man!

Jun 20, 2007 22:10

Okay, so it's been almost 3 months since I said I'd start writing again, and the best I can do is random thoughts and trying to re-write some random things. My new job usually allows me some free time, but when I get home, all I want to do is chat with my friends, or play guitar... or Poi, or Sphereplay... or Read. Maybe I don't have enough Social hobbies, but I'm gonna start try to update my thoughts and random-ness as often as I can, to keep myself from going insane. So here's for all the 2 people who ever even read my Live Journal ever. But I've already pasted these to them.

At work they started calling me Lar-Gar (Bastardization of my first and last name,) and one person saying it brought me a nickname that everyone has started calling me, even my boss. It's actually weird to hear my name said aloud anymore. lol, here's some random Lar-gar comments. Lar-gar strong, Lar-Gar brave, Lar-gar act before he think, Lar-gar not ask question until it too late. Lar-gar have side kick Logie, who never makes Lar-gar sandwich, but did bring churro and pizza for Lar-gar... finally. Lar-gar Zen Master, Evil Archer, Doom Bringer, Sonicwall Tech Support Level 2, Smasher of Ducks, Bringer of Wind, Destroyer of Hopes and Dreams. Lar-gar Legendary, Lar-gar fix to death!!! Lar-gar fix firewall good, no traffic pass! It's actually grown even. Lar-gar has a Zen Quote thanks to Nicole.

When Zen Master Lar-Gar was approached and asked why the wind blows Lar-gar replied "Lar-gar cause great winds. Lar-gar eat Mexican, Lar-gar create greater winds."

Who knows where the Lar-gar thing may go, some people don't get it... but most of them don't work with me so barely count. Maybe I'll create some characters based around Lar-gar and Logie, or something close. 'til then. Lar-gar say "Sleep well, but don't snore, Lar-gar hate snore."


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