rain (why life would be better without sasaengs), ot5, g

Jun 11, 2011 17:07

rain (why life would be better without sasaengs)
291 words

a/n: if only. unbetaed, you know the drill. ;;

//edit: thanks to yampanda's suggestion, listen to this while reading. ^^

everything stops for them the moment they hear raindrops hit the windowpane.

jinki jumps up from the couch and slides the window open, sticking his arm out and wrinkling his nose a bit as the spray hits his face.

he then proceeds to rush out the front door, house slippers still on, and run down the stairs two at a time until he's finally outside.

minho walks over to the still-open window, ostensibly to call out to jinki, but something tugs at him and the words die in his throat when he sees the leader standing there in the rain, hands outstretched and face tilted up to the sky in a rare expression of contentment.

before he knows it he's out the door and standing outside as well, shaking the water out of his eyes as he shares a knowing smile with jinki.

the remaining three peer out from upstairs and kibum is about to yell at them to come in from the rain before they catch cold when he catches the playful grin on jonghyun's face. almost in unison, they turn around and grab taemin, who has no time to react as two pairs of hands drag him out and down the stairwell.

when they finally join the other two, taemin decides to finally exact revenge and begins kicking water at all of them, amidst yelps of protest and shrieks of laughter from the others.

eventually the front courtyard is filled with nothing but noise and five men--boys-- running around and chasing each other in the downpour, garnering stares from passers-by as the clamor breaks through the stillness to which everyone has become accustomed.

they pay this no mind, though.

it's nice to forget once in a while.
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