So another year has come and gone without Tango. This anniversary passed a little differently than the last one. Last one I sat outside and cried. This time, I went outside and rescued a giant turtle trying to navigate across the subdivision. My parents went with me over to the lake, and we set him down on the shore and watched him take off. I took that as a positive sign. And it worked out so much better than the bunny rescue I tried the week before. :<
There were baby bunnies on the toddler playground. Literally in the mulch right up against the equipment. Blind and ears still closed, they were crawling out of the burrow and I was afraid they'd get hurt. So I told my boss in hopes of having them taken to the wildlife rescue. Wasn't to be. Animal control got called and I was told these blind, helpless bunnies were just dumped somewhere. I bawled the whole way home from work and felt like the worst person in the world. Someone tried to make me feel better by telling me that there would always be more bunnies. As if that was what I was worried about. *sigh*
So, I just finished a show with a new theater company, our local community theater group Act II. It was a great experience, even if our director needed a little help. She never really directed, and then only came to ONE of our performances. She didn't put a directors note or bio in the program. Really felt like she didn't want to be a part of the show, and it was irritating. But I loved the group and hope to do more with them in the future! We did Southern Hospitality and it was so much fun. The playwrights called and wished us all luck, too, how cool is that?!
It was so weird trying to make my hair huge. At one point in the play, after my character gets into a fist fight, I really had to make it big. People thought it was a wig. I was like haha NO. Not a wig, all real, sad to say. Too much hair. One old woman stopped me and told me I was so beautiful. It's not something I hear often, so I was completely caught off guard. I was also told it looks like I'd lost weight, which I'm totally cool with.
Now it's a bunch of decisions to make. I was asked to come work with an opera group at the college, I've got a USO show thing in November, and there's another show I could audition for in a few weeks. BUSY BUSY BUSY. But when I'm not on stage I have far too much time on my hands and am left going WTF DO I DO NOW THERE ARE SO MANY HOURS BEFORE BED!!?!
I've been doing this for far too long, obviously. This was my 13th show in 5 years. Not too bad if I say so myself!