But, you know, I've got hours till I have to leave. Well, at least 12 of them, and I only have to sleep for about 8 of those, so.
Nervous but excited. It's going to be fun, I think. I'm even looking forward to the journey, which is a good thing because it's going to be the better part of three days there and a similar amount back again.
I was hoping for a nice easy week to lead into my break but this week's been a bit of a nightmare, work-wise (one of our biggest customer's box crashed for no reason that anyone's been able to figure out yet and it had to be brought down in the middle of the day, which left any number of processes in the most horrible state. Ugh.) But I managed to finish everything I had to do by mid-day today and had a nice quiet afternoon, so yay.
Well, I guess I'll catch up with you all in a couple of weeks or so.
I hope you're all well! ♥ ♥ ♥
This entry was originally posted at http:
http://prunesquallormd.dreamwidth.org/89298.html. Comment wherever you like :)