Title: Absence Author: YouCanEvenHaveABeard Rating: T Summary: America throws an awesome Easter party and invites all the nations! Except perhaps one. Where is that stupid albino, anyway? PrussiaxRomano fluff. Includes: -
Title: Dirty Carpet Author: YouCanEvenHaveABeard Rating: T Summary: Prussia is watching a basketball game. Romano is not amused. Prumano, PrussiaxRomano. Includes: -
Title: Waking up in the wrong place Author: Sunruner Rating: K+ Summary: Gilbert wakes up in the hospital after an accident. Part of the Game of Cooks universe. Includes: -
Title: Phrases of the Heart Author: spazmoid Rating: T Summary: A twinkle filled his eyes, and whether it was the stars or the Christmas lights of the tree he was staring at, Gilbert was unsure. What he was sure of, however, was that whatever made those hazel eyes sparkle like that must have been some kind of unheard Christmas magic. (a little
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Title: Cherry Stem Author: de-anon Rating: T Summary: Perhaps Gilbert is lucky that Lovino stole the cherry atop their shared Sundae. (Prumano fluff) Includes: ---