Title: Absence Author: YouCanEvenHaveABeard Rating: T Summary: America throws an awesome Easter party and invites all the nations! Except perhaps one. Where is that stupid albino, anyway? PrussiaxRomano fluff. Includes: -
Title: Homework Author: YouCanEvenHaveABeard Rating: T Summary: Lovino was never good at math. Lucky for him, Gilbert is there to the "rescue". Human! AU, PrussiaxRomano. Includes: -
Title: Dirty Carpet Author: YouCanEvenHaveABeard Rating: T Summary: Prussia is watching a basketball game. Romano is not amused. Prumano, PrussiaxRomano. Includes: -
Title: What came next Author: rachael-ly Rating: T Summary: Gilbert has been slacking off and is forced to work nonstop during the holidays. Christmas is right around the corner but he's still working in fear of not making his deadline. His grumpy boyfriend isn't happy about this at all. [Horrible summary. Hetalia Human!AU] Includes: -
Title: A Day at the Beach Author: DinoMoMo Rating: M Summary: Prussia and Romano are in Southern Italy on holiday and Prussia wants to go to the beach. Romano agrees and interesting things happen…. Established Relationship and Smutty goodness also One-shot. Country/Human names used Includes: sex
Title: Feel Alive Author: Runa-Chan rules Rating: M Summary: Romano was digging himself a deeper hole. The game he was playing was far too dangerous. Prumano, light Gerita, yaoi, boyXboy, smut/fluff Includes: sex
Title: Hey There Little Red Riding Good, You Sure are Looking Good Author: Kodelaine Rating: M Summary: Katarina is off to go see her grandma one day, but a pale, red-eyes man stops her dead in her tracks, and leaves a few tracks of his own on her. Prumano with Fem! Romano, songfic based off of Little Red Riding Hood, warnings for Noncon, a little
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Title: Cherry Stems and a Competitive Prussian Author: LoviLovesTomatoes Rating: T Summary: Prussia and Romano play a game, but it doesn't go according to plan. Shouldn't have played with your food :P Includes: -