Graphic - Merlin's Instagram profile

Feb 26, 2022 21:20

Title: National Treasure instagram: Merlin's profile
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: BBC's Merlin (post-canon, modern magic) AU
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin (implied)
Characters: Merlin, Arthur Pendragon.
Rating: G
Tagline: Merlin's instagram and an excerpt from it.
Series: National Treasure instagram
About the graphic: The Merlin on social media is blunt and sarcastic like his Dragoon persona - which is his public face - is. He is a very active user that likes to tweet snide remarks as much as his Instagram is the golden mine of the Once and Future King enthusiasts. An account that mostly consisted in pictures about trinkets and oddities he had collected over the centuries, with the return of his king and his adjusting to the modern life, it quickly turns into a digital photo album (almost) completely focused on Arthur Pendragon and his quirks with some New Camelot pics in between. While he makes sure to keep to himself pictures in which Arthur is captured during an intimate moment or embarrassing stills, admirers of the king can enjoy snippets from the everyday life of the (Pen)Dragon who came out from the lake of Avalon like a Venus covered in chain mail.
About the AU: Under the graphic.
Notes: I have made only one post because for the other pics I didn't have any interesting comment to add.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): It was fun to play with layer effects to get filters that could agree with the "Instagram aesthetic".
It was also a long but fun use of time, to surf through all the fan-pictures on the set to pick some.
Instagram graphic made all by-hand, with much moving/copy/pasting and, especially, a wearying research to find out which font the website used. No template site. Since I created my own template, it won't reflect any future changes the platform might make (I have no intention of modify my template).
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Full credits below the graphics.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart ( Home, Ancient Round Table), Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (1200 x 1138)
About the graphic: "Merlin's Cave" is Merlin's personal blog, his space on the internet where he can impart his knowledge, rant about the modern world and generally say whatever crosses his mind.
After Arthur's return, Merlin's site has become a comprehensive collection of post about Arthuriana tidbits and, during the restoration of Camelot as New Camelot, coverage was provided by Merlin's posts.

Story 1. That time when Arthur was invited by Queen Elizabeth II for an audience, king to queen. He did dust off his royal headpiece for the occasion. gasp!
Story 2. The restored castle gets opened for visits, like a proper historical site does.
Story 3. Merlin finally decides to cave in and make his own Museum of Magic, that will take place in a wing of the castle that Arthur will kindly allow him to use.
Story 4. Even Merlin has his own social team. Or secretaries. Errandboys(girls). Whatever.
Story 5. Exclusive footage of Arthur showing that he did boxing some millennia before Muhammad Ali (and Silvester Stallone) made it cool.
Story 6. A brief glimpse at Avalon, a place nobody can visit (Sidhe don't really like nosy humans in their place)
Story 7. Self-explanatory.

Ancient Round Table

Click to see fullsize (935 x 600)

About the AU
It's the 21th century and the existence of magic has been widely known since Guinevere, the last queen of Camelot, lifted the ban and had made Merlin her own advisor. With the centuries the myth of the Once and Future King has grown unchecked: Arthur Pendragon belongs to the category of the great people of history who the most have influenced the world, with the only difference that he will one day return.
Magic, for a number of circumstances never verified (possibly a mix of abuse and industrialization), seems like having been drained, leaving only the passive one: charms applied to old houses or objects still works, but new charms cannot be cast and are ineffective. Immortality is a rare gift unavailable to most, but few people belonging to the world Before The Drain still live, the oldest of them born in the Late Renaissance age.
Merlin, former wizard and oldest man of the world as the only one alive since the Middle Ages, is considered the world's grumpy uncle, that one parent who is a font of knowledge and tells funny stories about an otherwise serious topic like History but isn't willing to sit down and socialize with the youngsters (which means basically anyone, to him). Told to be always traveling, he imparts his knowledge almost exclusively through his blog, "Merlin's Cave". Unknown to all, though, Merlin has also a second identity under which he lives an almost ordinary life: Gaius de Bois, young professor of Medieval History at the University of Avalon, down-to-heart person, a professor much loved by his students, and, especially "nephew" of the Great Merlin.
Arthur Pendragon emerges from the secluded Lake of Avalon and his return is made official by Merlin with a post on his Instagram, a photo about the two halves of a broken coin (with Merlin's and Arthur's profile) reunited. Arthur leads a quiet life, residing in Merlin's cottage on the shores of the lake, with his grumpy (not-so) former servant to protect him from meddlers and fanatics. To preserve and allocate the necessary resources to restore a conducive environment for him and his needs of Middle Ages man, he is given the title of National Treasure that grants him a monthly revenue, total coverage of expenditures and funds to restore the castle of Camelot - castle that Merlin has preserved by magically miniaturizing it and placing it in a snow-less globe.
Merlin, through his social media and website, shares with the world the chronicles of how his king is adjusting to the modern times.
Arthur is initially followed by paps and generally by the curiosity of the people: it's just Merlin's angry presence (and an endless stream of ordinances) that shelters Arthur from the frenzy although soon it becomes an ordinary sight to see the king going around wearing his armor and sunglasses. When Camelot is restored, it gets the status of Principality within the United Kingdom, a kind of enclave named New Camelot on which Arthur is granted absolute power: initially a city-state, it grows when further lands and pastures are assigned to the principality to assure Camelot's self-sufficiency. Life in New Camelot, per Arthur's choice, doesn't reflect the innovations happened after the king's death, and the citadel will become a haven for people who wish to live a simpler (and less easy) life or simply unplug a bit from the modern times.
With time Arthur will fully embrace the perks of modernity, thanks to Merlin (and his money) who spoils him, and he'll even get a driving license (against Merlin's will). But that's another story for another time.

Pierrefonds with snow, 01 February 2019. Can't find back the owner/site where I downloaded it from in April 2020.
Ancient Round Table. Photo by Armordillo.
The Rising Sun, 14 September 2009. Photo by Little-ribbon.
Picture for "Booking for tours(...)" story, 12 September 2012. Photo by Plumedefee.
Picture for "Museum of Magic(...)" story, 06 August 2011 at Warwick Castle. Photo by CamelotCast.
Picture for "MerlinSquad" is a behind the scenes pic with Colin posing with Coulier Creatures FX's Shaune Harrison, make-up and hair designer Jody Williams and make-up effects artist Adrien Rugby.
Rest is either screencaps or official photo released during airing of the series or by Elena McCready in 2020.

++ fandom: bbc's merlin, char merlin: merlin, series: national treasure instagram, + graphics, au: national treasure, relat merlin: arthur/merlin, char merlin: arthur pendragon

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