Title: The glimmering gold of the Pendragon Queen
Artist: Hakka (
prue84 )
Fandom: BBC's Merlin (modern) AU
AU: Modern times
Characters: Guinevere Pendragon
Rating: G
Tagline: Gwen Smith, fashion (golden) queen.
Series: Fashion in the Time of Dragons
About the manip: For the moment one random modern-AU, but I'm currently busy developing a structured idea.
Alternatively, if Gwen Smith was cast as the face for Dior's J'Adore?
To be paired with Morgana's
The armour of the Pendragon Witch.
Notes: Actually, just an excuse to put Gwen/Angel in this fabulous dress.
Notes 2: As soon as I happened upon this image I thought about Gwen. I don't know why but, when I picture her character, I think of gold, and golden dresses is the best I can picture her wearing, especially in a modern period. Well, either gold dresses or ethereal ones made of flowers and tulle.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Technically this manip was meant to be easy: what should go wrong when you just have to place a "front" face on a body?
Ah. Ah. Ah. The bloody hair almost made me go insane. I needed three different pictures from the same photoshoot in order to place Angel's hair: the background for that shoot was as simple as they can be, but her curly hair made it almost impossible to remove it.
When the manip was complete, I had the bad idea to make a Google Reverse to see if I could credit the base... and found out that actually the pic, which is actually a stock photo, was meant to be a full body photo. I did find an unmarked full body photo, but it was smaller than the one I worked with (the "bust" is a monstrous 5000px width). Anyway, obviously I went to turn the bust manip into the full body one, and that's how you get the first manip under the cut.
But then... well, I liked both version of the credits and I didn't feel like choosing one and delete the other. My favorite was actually the second (the one used in the "bust" version), but for some reasons, that didn't work on the full body version, IDK why. So I had the idea to pick another Angel from the same photoshoot I used so to make two different "takes" from this "gold dress" shot for Gwen; this way I could keep both credits versions. Make sense. Right?
Did I already say that I love to find ways to incorporate/blend in my name/signature in the actual manip instead of pasting an horizontal half-transparency credit in some standard font? Not to say I blame those who do it: it takes a huge amount of time to blend in the signature in creative and decent ways, and this manip was kept in stasis for a couple of weeks because I couldn't find a way to place my signature (if "Previous versions" is to be believed, the credit-less manip was ready one hour after I even created the pds file).
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Angel Coulby's pictures from
Merlin's Keep (specifically, the photoshoot with the red armchair, jpgs numbered 84, 85 and 87).
Dreamwidth, Deviantart (
full body,
Click to see fullsize (2300 x 2779)
The outtake
Click to see fullsize (2500 x 1685)