fannish nutshell

Feb 20, 2010 01:40

Things I have been squeeing/being emo about:

* figure skating!

The coverage on Australian TV has been useless. >:( I did get to see the Chinese pairs duel it out for the gold and silver, and I saw the short programs from Plushenko, Weir and Lysacek. I really wanted Johnny Weir to do well because he really does skate so beautifully.

Because this exists, and I want more.

image Click to view

And there are some photos of the two of them here.

Speaking of Stephane Lambiel, there's also a really fun pairs routine he did with Jeff Buttle here.

I love watching ice-skating. *sigh* I wish it was more readily available here on free to air TV.

OMG just realised where I could get footage of this. BRB, gonna go do some downloading! :DDDDDD

* the Butch Walker/Panic! video

AHAHAHAHA LOVE IT. When Ro told me that someone had "bought" Butch Walker's pre-order option 4, my email comment was "I hope, for Butch Walker's sake, that his buyer is totally sane and not, like, going to make a costume out of his skin or something. *wibble*"

LOL! Totes worried for the wrong person.

* Straylight Run is going on indefinite hiatus :((((((((

I never even got to hear them play live. ;___; At least they sound like they're all still friends, it's just not financially viable for them to keep going.

And meanwhile, Will Noon is going to tour manage for The Young Veins. WTF?! Bandom is an incredibly small scene.

* Sisky's formspring continues to be a lot of fun.

He seems remarkably well-adjusted for someone brought up by TAI on buses and vans and tours. And his answers are often a ficcers dream, hee. Apart from random AU ideas (like Siska the National Geographic photographer meeting and falling in love with Butcher the artist at his family's island retreat), it made me restart writing my high school AU, yay!

tyv, straylightrun, tai, patd

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