(no subject)

Mar 01, 2010 00:38

I will stop being all about figure skating soon, but while I wait for channel 9 to sloooooowly show all the exhibition skates, here's a few more things of note.

So, I have complained about the Australian TV coverage before, not least because the hosts, at the start of the games, were being homophobic bigots. >:(

But after all the outrage locally and overseas, Channel 9 went into damage control and invited Johnny Weir to do daily segments on the wrap-up show. And that's how we have this adorable video of Johnny judging 'fashion' at the Olympics. He's so charming and funny and gently bitchy. :DDDD

And a few crackfics I've really enjoyed:

(untitled Zamboni/Olympica ficlet)
Yes, that's Zamboni as in 'ice resurfacer machine'. :)

(untitled Evan/Johnny ficlet)
Evan agrees to an interview with a pretty, blonde Russian reporter. Hee. I actually think this ends too abruptly, and I want to know what happens next.


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