fannish nutshell

Feb 20, 2010 01:40

Things I have been squeeing/being emo about:

* figure skating!

The coverage on Australian TV has been useless. >:( I did get to see the Chinese pairs duel it out for the gold and silver, and I saw the short programs from Plushenko, Weir and Lysacek. I really wanted Johnny Weir to do well because he really does skate so beautifully.

Also, Lambiel/Weir slash exists out there, right? )

tyv, straylightrun, tai, patd

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Comments 15

penelope_z February 19 2010, 15:05:40 UTC
Oh, there's quite a bit of Lambiel/Weir, try the ice_slash community. Though there's quite a bit more of the Lysacek/Weir variety.


proteinscollide February 21 2010, 14:26:00 UTC
It's weird; I don't mind an antagonistic vibe to my slash, but I have zero interest in reading Lysacek/Weir. :( But thank you for the tip about ice_slash, and I foresee some reading in my future! :)


pirateyes February 19 2010, 15:19:16 UTC
Of all the male figure skaters I was most enthralled with Adrian Schultheiss from Sweden.

If I were to ever read figure skating slash I would want some with him so hard. His routine was so off the wall and bad ass. I think he would be so much fun to play with . . . I mean, in a writing way.


i_naiad February 20 2010, 09:53:15 UTC
Yes! Finally someone else talking about that Schultheiss routine. I know nothing about ice skating, but that routine seemed head and shoulders above the rest for creativity and musicality.

I was completely irritated with one of the commentators I was listening to who thought the routine was 'just hilarious'.


pirateyes February 20 2010, 10:00:31 UTC
I agree! But then I don't know much about figure skating, either. Maybe we're the weird ones ;)

I still thought the originality was great and he had such fantastic performance quality.

The TSN announcers didn't have much to say about him but they were positive over all.


i_naiad February 20 2010, 12:25:06 UTC
Possibly we are. I'm okay with that, because it was fantastic.

I think the commentator I was listening to is quite old school and just didn't quite get it. She certainly seemed to prefer the more traditional style. Over all she's been an excellent commentator, so that may have been why it was so jarring.


provetheworst February 19 2010, 15:42:32 UTC
it made me restart writing my high school AU, yay!


* Straylight Run is going on indefinite hiatus :((((((((



proteinscollide February 21 2010, 14:30:00 UTC
Maybe one day they will have enough money to get back together again. :D?



iridescentglow February 19 2010, 18:06:58 UTC

Even just waiting for the BBC to put up their coverage on their website has been a source of angst for me, so I sympathize with not finding figure skating coverage AT ALL. :(

I'm still sort of in denial about Straylight. :/ Will Noon and The Young Veins? That's weirdy mcweird. Hopefully he'll be a Good Influence on them, though.


proteinscollide February 21 2010, 23:47:43 UTC
Well, I've discovered that the free-to-air channel here has been broadcasting some of the figure-skating, but in short bursts at around lunchtime each day, when I am not at home. :(

Plus we have the most annoying coverage host; the only reason we were shown the Johnny Weir short program during primetime seemed to be so the host and fellow presenters could fit as many slyly homophobic 'jokes' as 'commentary' afterwards. :(((((((

But I downloaded the truncated NBC coverage and spent last night mainlining it. :)


i_naiad February 20 2010, 09:57:34 UTC
We've been cocooned from the terrible free to air coverage by our shiny Foxtel coverage. No Eddie Maguire for us. \o/

I've been enjoying the ice skating a lot, but the lack of musicality has bugged me a bit. The snowboarding has been awesome.


proteinscollide February 21 2010, 23:49:24 UTC
Ugh, Eddie Maguire. >:((((( You guys are lucky!

I guess with the women's figure-skating the musicality might improve? And yeah, the snowboarding was awesome to watch (both half-pipe and cross). :D


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