Jan 11, 2013 14:24
Or, more specifically, who mashed my core potatoes?
The answer, at least today, was Jayne. She’s a task master of the highest order, and despite it only being her and me, she insisted on turning 45 seconds into a minute in multiple, repeated instances, and when you are doing planks, or v-sits, or the 8 gazillionth crunch, those additional seconds add up to minutes add up to … the Bear’s mashed potatoes.
We resurrected an old workout. It went something like this:
Isometric squat, hold for 60 seconds. Then Jayne remembered that we forgot to foam roll our potatoes, so we stopped and did that. It felt wonderful.
But then, she insisted we repeat the isometric squat for another 60 seconds. So that’s like a whole other exercise, after you’ve rolled yourself out …
Then leg raises with hip thrusts … but now that I think of it, I think we did hip thrusts with leg raises (10 each side, slowly). Then crunches with hips at 90 degrees/with legs open for 60 seconds. The bicycles for 60 seconds. Then single leg dead lifts with reach backs (we threw out SL squats with torso rotations because we couldn’t agree what they were, nor did we want to do any of the things we thought they were … and by we, I mean, mainly me).
Rest then repeat whole circuit.
Next circuit: front planks with side arm reaches (two second holds on each side reach). 25 oblique crunches each side. 60 seconds jackknifes (the Bear hates them and maintains that bears in general don’t do jackknifes), 60 seconds crunches with 2-second isometric holds, single leg dead lifts with reach backs. Rest.
Next circuit: wall sit with torso rotations 60 seconds, chest to fly crunches with light weights - 60 seconds, v-sits (here, the sheet said 45 seconds but Potato Masher Jayne said 60 seconds so that’s what we did), wide leg curl-ups with single leg hamstring stretches 60 seconds. Rest and repeat whole circuit. I confess, the Bear only did 45 seconds on two of the exercises …
Cool down stretches: abdominals, glutes, SL hamstrings, kneeling hip flexor stretches (Chris, we don’t remember how to do this one correctly), calf stretches and quad stretches.
It was just Jayne and the Bear today … and she pretty much, as I said above, mashed my potatoes.
Every part of my core was shaking mightily at the final v-sits … shakin’ and bakin’ … seriously. So, in other words, thanks Jayne for makin’ me do it!
Mashed Bear