"As the story of Mary that I was telling grew ever more complex, I could not decide whether trying to get it all straight was more like untangling a gigantic ball of wool or like being caught in a labyrinth. Some stories are too small to be novels but others, I soon found, might just be too big."
Apply for a new gentlemen. Buy new sun-drying clothes. Get back in contact with some old nice haircuts. Start an india fund. Overcome my secret fear of calm oceans. Become a better
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"If you are vegetarian and under 40 years of age, make sure you get the right intake of B-vitamins, especially vitamin B12 - or else you could be at the risk of suffering a stroke".
Sent by my cousin. Thought it would be random, but kind of catchy and disturbing and cute and retro-like-pre-Nintendo like Scandanavians can be good at.
There is a website called walkscore.com where you can type in your address and figure out how walking-friendly your 'hood is. Mine is up quite high at 63 points. Woo
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There are beaches alongside the Oriya coastline. Little crabs look like spiders and scuttle suddenly into little holes in the sand. Walking where the waves come to your feet leads to little bite marks being felt. Baby crabs. There is some renowned sand sculpture who lives around Puri. This must be his work. It is a bit destroyed. We went for a
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I have some friends in Delhi who are a couple and they are now moving to the States (the girl is American and the guy is Indian, they are both journalists). They cleared their house of all daily and large possessionsby auctioning everything off to buyers from Old Delhi. Apparently one buyer came with a bag full of 1000 Rs notes.
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