Short? Sweet? Bittersweet?

Aug 06, 2008 20:08

I've been watching The Palace on DVD, pondering whether Rupert Evans looks better in jeans or in a tux. More seriously, some bits were better than I remembered, others were just as bad as I remembered (mostly involving Ruby). The only extras are cast and crew interviews, and hilariously, the smaller the character, the more likely the actor is to have constructed a backstory for them. Some of which could be useful, though I disagree with Zoe Telford's take on when Abi got a chip on her shoulder. I'd have thought it would be when she saw the Royals close up, not when she started the job.

Also, I have also been boring the wrong people about the fact I have no internet where I live.

The Tara icon is because I watched the end of OMWF on telly tonight.

the palace, tv

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