FIC: 20 sentences (Layla/Warren). Rated PG.

Aug 23, 2008 21:27

Sky High, Layla/Warren.

Summary: Somewhere between the evil twins and the evil-natured robots, they fell in love. A fic of 20 sentences.

Disclaimer: These characters are not mine, and I make no profit from this fan fiction.

Notes: I thought I’d try my hand at the sentence fic genre, and these two seemed like the perfect couple for it. I meant to do 50, but only managed 20. With thanks to pyroblaze18 for the beta, all the idiocies are mine.

20 sentences (Layla/Warren): shallowness

1. Possibilities
Warren doesn't look at her as he answers Ethan's tactless question about whether Freeze Girl's stopped eating with them at lunch, but awareness is fizzing under Layla's skin.

2. Help
This isn’t Save the Citizen, it’s Zach hanging off the ledge by his fingertips, and all Layla has to work with is a scrap of moss, but Warren is suddenly at her back giving her cover from the robots.

3. Scent
He turns to her - she’s as fresh as a garden in spring while he smells of ash, but the same exhaustion from fighting the bad guys is on their faces.

4. Want
Her hair is so dark a red, it's brown, and Ayla's eyes are hard, but Warren closes his eyes and lets her slowly kiss her way up his neck like he's always wanted Layla to do.

5. Join
Warren grabs her hand, because he knows the way out of the warehouse, forcing Layla to follow, breathless at his pace, but when they reach outside and she gets some oxygen into her brain, she notices he hasn't let her hand go.

6. Silence
He never thought he'd miss it, the constant chatter, the latest lecture about what's wrong with the world and how to make it better, but Layla isn't talking, and silence from her feels like Arctic winter, so Warren sighs, then asks, "What’s wrong?"

7. Transform
He's got used to her coming over, occasionally with stuff she’s rescued from flea markets for him, to make up for dissecting the death throes of her relationship with Will, stuff that Warren would never have picked, but most of which he puts to use, and one night, she's so busy suggesting further alterations to his apartment that she never mentions Stronghold.

8. Sharp
They’re welcomed by a blade rotating towards them; Layla too far ahead of Warren for him to do anything but watch her swerve to the right in what feels like slow motion so that all that the blade can cut is a lock of her hair.

9. Comfort
Layla doesn’t give him chicken soup, just vegetable soup, her cool hands linger on his face for too brief a time as he burns up without flaming, night and day, three days running, always there.

10. Confusion
Layla pulls back from Warren fast, not sure where the fervor of the kiss came from - embracing, fine, that she gets, she was glad that her friend was alive after the 'quake, but how did that turn into kissing him?

11. Suspicion
"Are you doing this to make Stronghold jealous?" he asks, voice raspier than it was before, Layla stills, clutching his shirt with one hand, the other palm outstretched, supporting her against the wall.

12. Mystery
She's not sure what he's thinking on their second date, or first real date, and she wishes she'd suggested something other than a visit to a competing restaurant, he isn't a vegetarian, he's going to hate it, and all Layla's ebullience that Warren actually turned up is fading away when he smiles as he holds the door open for her.

13. Message
Ms Williams is a little shorter than Layla when they're both bare footed and she has the same sweet smile, but Warren always remembers what she said when he first met her, "I'm a pacifist, but you hurt my daughter and I will be telling rabid jackals all about you."

14. Beauty
Warren's getting better at saying something when Layla dresses up, and then she gives him that radiant smile and he wishes he'd said it better, wishes he had the power to turn back time and say that she looks beautiful.

15. Restraint
It was easy to tell Will and herself that she wasn't ready, easy and true, she thought then, and now here is Warren, waiting on her decision, ready or not, and the truth is...what, Layla?

16. Hair
It’s come to something when he’s powering up, creating fireballs because they sometimes flicker the same shade as Layla’s hair.

17. Possess
Warren doesn’t give Layla cut flowers, he gives her seeds and bulbs, and she beams at him and they grow.

18. Oppose
The moment before the onslaught begins...Layla spares Warren a glance, his focus is all on Baron Battle... she feels chilled.

19. Scream
It rings around and around in his head, the sound that ripped out of her when she saw Will's body; Warren hasn't heard her speak since and it's so wrong - he's the quiet one, she's the talker - so he stays close, hoping to be the first to hear her whispering, speaking, whatever, anything to take the place of that noise.

20. Imagine
The branch cradles Layla more snuggly than a hammock, the wind is in her hair, but she doesn’t notice, day-dreaming about what she’ll do to Warren when he comes back from saving Hong Kong.


Feedback is always loved.

sky high, fanfiction, films, sky high hetfic

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