Me, the TV and my funny bone

Jul 26, 2008 12:38

I'll be going off here there and everywhere over the summer, which may make the fact that the internet situation is still not resolved at home easier. In the meantime, I've been catching up with A Town Called Eureka and The Office (the US version) during friendly early-evening repeats. They're both shows that I've watched a bit of (-actually, I read some Jim/Pam fic before seeing the show, which I never thought I would do, that is, reading fic without knowing the material, but, in that case, I was familiar with the dynamic from the original show. And I read some meta. Okay, that's still weird.) I find the US Office funnier and less bleak, probably because of the distancing of it being set in the country of flashing white teeth.

As for Eureka, I caught the pilot, but never really got into it much. I knew enough to recognise who the characters were, and it's almost a case of the week show, so it's been a show I've dipped in and out of but not actively followed. I'm not sure for whether I'm hooked enough to try to catch the next series when it airs every week: I like most of the characters, but I don't love them. I think I would watch The Office if ITV2 weren't so mad as to air it somewhere in the region of midnight. Which they do. Which is mad.

I watched Burn it which featured two of the prettiest, noblest (apart from the adultery) and NAIVEST people working in the oil industry ever. With them around, and some 'oh, really?' geopolitics, I felt that part 1 dragged. Whitford was slumming it, in terms of the script he had. Marc Warren had the best part, and you could tell he was having a blast. I watched the second half out of stubbornhess. My only reward, really, was MEG THATCHER!!! Camilla Scott looked good in a nothing part.

Film-wise, I saw Baby Mama yesterday, which gave me food for thought, but didn't make me laugh that much, which is something of a problem with a comedy. Of the trailers for funny films I've seen, Rainn Wilson's new film didn't make me laugh once, ditto The Love Guru. But Adam Sandler's Zohan? I am ashamed at how much I giggled through that trailer. I am also tempted by Space Chimps, while being really snitty about Igor (bad enough that telling people how to say Ratatouille was part of its promotion, but telling people how to pronounce Igor!?). I don't know what that's all about.

Anyhow, I'm hoping to see the Dark Knight tonight. (Why yes, I have rewatched Batman Begins in preparation).

the west wing, tv, batverse, the office (whatever version), watching, films, comings-and-goings

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