Still the nastiest show on TV

Sep 28, 2006 08:10

Wire in the Blood 4-02.

Aesthetically, a corker. The images of the mute patient whose name I forgot, the city scapes, the use of filters - all fab and striking. The plot? Harrrumph. Tony was slow, everyone was stupid. I could rant for a good paragraph and three about Paula's stupidity (hasn't she played bait before? How is going out on the streets pretending to be a prostitute WHEN SHE'S JUST BEEN INVOLVED IN HAULING IN MOST OF THESE PUNTERS FOR QUESTIONING so that a serial killer can TRY TO KILL HER, with the most astoundingly RUBBISH back up, for a sting operation APPARENTLY RUN BY POLICE OFFICERS WHO HAVE NEVER DONE SUCH A THING BEFORE AND NEED A 'CIVILIAN' LIKE TONY TO POINT OUT THE OBVIOUS FLAWS. Some of those flaws? Oh, the fact that they were reliant on one wire, had no one able to eyeball her, even though it looked as though they had a big enough team when they started searching for her a GOOD FEW MINUTES after her mike went down.

So, I spent most of the time watching Paula's torment wondering what the stupid idiot was expecting, precisely? (Having said that, Kevin/Paula!!!) I figured that t was a cop, but thought it was one of the men (I couldn't remember how long we'd known them, apart from Kevin.) I mean, obviously the man who was in the hospital didn't do the killings, so obviously it was someone else, only it took Tony about two days to manage this simple bit of logic. And there was a lot of that. DI Guilty's training/mind manipulation of the killers didn't make much sense. And actually, although the visuals were striking, the effect they used for how the crazy first killer saw people was the exact same effect as Supernatural used, which lead to all sorts of weird thoughts in my head - although even so, I sussed things more quickly than Tony.

Didn't mind DI Replacement (although there was one moment where I thought 'ware forced UST.) Ending was suitably downbeat. And, even though there was a lot that merited the above caps lock, I was still freaked going to bed last night.

uk, tv, witb

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