Le weekend

Sep 24, 2006 20:33

Having been to see An Inconvenient Truth and Children of Men, the next film I'm going to see is definitely going to be a comedy. They're both good films though, Truth is a lecture as documentary, but in a good way, and Children is one of the best films I've seen all year, one of those dystopian futures in Britain thrillers, where the sky is always grey unless if its night. It has a shade of John Wyndham about it, some really good actors (and Clive Owen incidentally proves that he's going to be one of those actors who ages well, just a tiny sliver of grey and a world-weary face and mmm.) It's funny and it's scary and moving and so much is credible that the occasional fudge doesn't matter. It ends on a note of hope - of sorts - as does Truth, because Al Gore is a liberal, and I appreciated the pragmatic tips, definitely. But both are sobering, thought-provoking films. Though Children is the one I will buy on DVD.

Also, TV stuff.
Veronica Mars 2-16 The Rapes of Graff
I enjoyed this ep a lot, but I don't have much to say about it. I recognised George Michael (well, I went from 'I know that face,' to concentration, to squealy 'IT'S GEORGE MICHAEL' and then I gradually figured out that that Stacy was Maeby. Sorry, actors. In my defence, I only saw the firsst series o Arrested Development, because the BBC scheduled the show preposterously. Of course, then I was in a tizzy of worry that nice Dean had raped Stacy - the use of him as informer made me wonder if he was trying to shift the blame on the frat house or get back at them, or had been hiding something under his niceness. I wonder if they'll both return when Wallace and Veronica go to the college? Because Veronica is obviously forgetting about Canute in her plan to leave Neptune. The college professor person she impressed with her deduction should come back.

Blasts from the past though, with Troy - I called it that the best he could expect from Veronica was less anger, not politeness or friendliness. And of course, the memory of her rape, which only hit me when she was talking to Stacy. I thought they did well on conveying the messiness of the various responses.

I feel that I should be drawing parallels between what's going on with Veronica and Logan (he got a few prize idiotic moments in, oh, Logan), but my brain isn't really teasing them out clearly a few days later, so I won''t. Will say this though, I love Cliff, I love Cliff and Keith, I thought their scenes were played beeyootifully, and my response to Lamb/Madison is something akin to my response to Leo/Veronica, though I don't think there's that much intellectual disparity between Madison and Lamb.

The X-Factor I suppose the dramatic pause as the casting judge waits to say 'yes' is more obvious to the viewing public than the poor contestants in the room, but I'm so tired of it. The boyband who'd formed that week were indeed a nice surprise. The judges put through the shaky agoraphobic, natch. Between her and the Crying 16 Year Old Shaker, I think they're really putting fragile people through. They will most likely provide lots of drama at the next stage and be put through the wringer. How lovely. Not.

Speaking of the next round, I'm so glad to see it come, as I found this ep a bit boring and cringey overall. In fact, I got tired of the wannabe rounds thee weeks ago. I laughed with Simon at Louis getting the groups. Remembering G4, I don't know if its a good thing or a bad thing, they knew their own strengths and had the musical background to over-ride any decisions that Louis or his team would make. I hope that his groups have the strength to veto his inevitable suggestion of Westlife songs. Of course, the groups are always difficult to get right. Anyway, Simon invoked hubris probably and I was much more excited by the clips for next week than I was watching most of the rest of this ep.

Going to watch Jane Eyre, of course, now. The fact that the adaptor is the same writer as did North and South leaves me hopeful.

uk, tv, veronica mars, the x-factor, shallow, films, poptastic

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